Chapters 3-2

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People were coming out of the stores, their arms loaded with bags from luxury brands such as Dior, Chanel, Cartier, and many others. A small uphill lane adjacent to Rodeo Drive was covered with cobblestones. It reminded me of a small Paris lane with a choice of small shops for a certain elite of the population, as well as high-end restaurants. The European architecture added a charm to the place. Victoria rushed onto Two Rodeo Drive. She seemed to know this emblematic street by heart.

— "We're going to heat up the credit card, Zoe," she exclaimed. "I'm counting on you to give me a makeover."

— "You're going to heat up your credit card," I said, "because it was too much of a place for me to go shopping. It was not every day that I went to the street considered the most expensive in the world."

— "Come on, get in the game. Don't react like that."

She grabbed me by the arm and lured me into one of the expensive shops.


I had left Victoria in a dressing room with a million clothes to try on, which I had chosen for her. Convincing her had not been an easy task, but I had asked her to trust me. Meanwhile, I took the opportunity to take a tour of the shop and found, disappointed, that the price of a simple t-shirt started at three hundred dollars. As I walked by, a young saleswoman with long blonde hair and strong makeup looked at me from top to bottom, with a very haughty look. Yeah, honey, no brand, but style, I thought, exasperated by her dismissive attitude.

— "Did you find your happiness?"

A masculine, singing voice made me turn around. A man in his twenties was standing in front of me. To my great surprise, I noticed that he was not a salesman. He wore pants with a black shirt that highlighted his light blue eyes. His dark hair fell slightly back onto his neck. It looked like he came out of a fashion show podium. I quickly scanned the store and finally realized that he was talking to me.

— "I was not looking for anything," I replied, surprised by his question.

— "You're not from around here? You speak with a slight accent," continued the young man, a little too insistent for my taste.

— "I am French."

His overwhelmingly warm smile made me to turn around. Turning my back on him, I went back to the fitting room, praying that he would not follow me. At the same time, a transformed Victoria appeared. A small cry of amazement came out of my mouth. Striped high-waist pants with a slightly wide cut and matching tank top fitted her perfectly.

— "Oh my God, you look beautiful. Look at that!" I exclaimed in amazement.

Apparently very proud of herself, she started parading around in the small room, which triggered a sincere burst of laughter from me. I loved this relaxed and confident Victoria.

— "So I'm going to try the rest, but I'm already warning you that I'm taking this first outfit," she replied.

She hurried back to the room, happy to find her happiness. For my part, I didn't dare to imagine the price. I was hoping deep down that she wouldn't take the rest of my selections for fear that she would be ruined in just half a day.

— "I heard you talking to someone just now. Who was it?" asked Victoria from the back of her room.

I immediately began to look for the blue-eyed man in the store, but he had disappeared.

— "I don't know, Vic. He just needed some information."

Fortunately, she didn't insist and came out with another equally flashy, equally expensive outfit.


The end of the afternoon was approaching. We had been to almost all the shops, and Victoria seemed satisfied with her purchases. The day had brought us a little closer together. We headed back to Elora, the Escalade loaded with bags. However, I was angry with Victoria for buying me a dress in one of the stores. My eyes had lingered a little too long on it and I had admired it in spite of myself.

— "Thank you for the outfit, but it's too much for me,"I confided to her with unease. "I accompanied you because it makes me happy to spend time with you."

— "I know, Zoe. I really wanted to give it to you. You're the sister I wish I had. I finally have someone I can confide in. I've never experienced this before. With you, I feel so different."

— "I like you and your family very much, too. Seeing you happy is enough for me. Do you have any friends in high school?"

— "Not really,"she said, shrugging. "Boys don't care about insignificant young ladies like me. Girls, on the other hand, prefer to avoid me, because I don't really fit into their standards of beauty, as you may have noticed. I'm far from popular."

— "They're stupid, I assure you. High school can be a difficult time. When you go to college, things will change, you'll see. Tonight, there's a party at Asarys's sorority house. Do you want to come?"

A flash of interested surprise crossed Victoria's eyes.

— "What? Are you serious? Would you take me with you?" she exclaimed with open joy.

— "Yes, but please look at the road," I said, in a panicked voice, pretending to have a heart attack. "First of all, your mother has to agree."

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