Chapters 11-1

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I literally fell under the spell of the palace when I arrived. A red carpet stretched from our car to the entrance of the Sainte Regis. From the outside, the façade was a true architectural masterpiece. Nothing was left to chance, starting with the hall, marked by fine decorations. Once inside, I felt very small in this building, with its spacious layout. Faïz seemed to know the place perfectly since he immediately headed for the elevators without asking anyone for directions. Suddenly, a voice called out to him and he turned around. A tall blond guy approached us.

— "Hi, Virgil," Faïz said in a casual tone.

He reached out to his interlocutor.

— "Are you all right? I'm glad to see you finally," said the young man in astonishment.

— "We're not staying. Tomorrow we're going back to Los Angeles. This is Zoe. Zoe, this is Virgil, a longtime friend and employee of Trac-Word for almost five years."

— "Pleased to meet you," whispered the young man as he his eyes widened. "Faïz is a lucky man with such a beautiful young lady on his arm tonight."

I shook his hand, embarrassed by his insistent gaze, and then the three of us went into the elevator. Faïz moved closer to me, leaving his friend no chance to interact with me. I suspected him of being a smidge jealous.

— "We need to find a moment to exchange a few words tonight," Virgil insisted.

After these words, Faïz's face suddenly closed.

— "I know. I'll find you later," he said with a serious tone.

When we left the elevator, Virgil nodded to Faïz in approval. He then turned to me and greeted me politely, then left to give us a moment of privacy.

— "I think your friend likes me," I said, looking at Faïz from the corner of my eye to observe his reaction.

— "Yes, a little too much," he grumbled.

I held his arm a little tighter to show him that I was there, by his side, and that I wasn't going to run away. He looked at me for a few seconds, silent, but I felt him relax immediately. That's when we bumped into a hotel clerk, who was waiting at the end of the corridor.

— "Is he there to welcome the guests?" I asked Faïz.

— "Almost. There is a host on each floor of this hotel to meet the slightest request of the clientele."

— "Hmm."

— "What? What intrigues you about what I just told you?"

— "You seem pretty used to this place," I remarked.

— "Indeed. I've stayed here many times when I come on business."

— "And in general, do you come alone, or accompanied?"

He got annoyed with my remark and gave me a forbidding look.

— "I don't have to answer that! Please don't ruin it. The reception is this way."

I opened my mouth to answer him, but I pulled myself together. I didn't want to fight with him tonight. We were on the top floor and the place hid a room with a setting of true splendor. The first thing I saw wer the vaults on the ceiling where European-style golden chandeliers were hung. Large, oversized, pale and white-pink bouquets of roses were arranged in the middle of the oval tables, which had impeccable cutlery service. The staff received us with the most careful attention, taking our jackets and coats. A large banquet was placed with a wide choice of various menus. The presentation of this blended perfectly with the decor of the room. The pink neon lights at the four corners of the room gave a felted and enchanting appearance to the space. I headed for the back, where a huge hologram was projected. I recognized the rose under its glass dome, identical to the one in Beauty and the Beast. Fascinated, I skirted the three-dimensional image that seemed suspended in the air. The rose was easily more than five meters high, and its petals fell slowly, as if to remind us of the passing time.

— "Zoe? Faïz's voice gently brought me back to reality."

— "It's just captivating," I whispered, speechless.

He assented, wearing his famous, devastating smile.

— "You can go to the buffet and help yourself, if you want. Chloe is sitting at the third table on your right. She's been waving at you to join her."

I moved my gaze in his direction. Indeed, Chloe was waving to tell me to come and join her. Three other people were sitting at the table with her, but Chloe didn't seem to be paying attention. I pointed at the banquet.

— "You'll come and sit with me?" I asked Faïz with a hopeful tone.

He grimaced before answering me.

— "I have to go and greet one or two important people and take time to talk with Virgil. I'll meet you there later."

I had no desire to let him go. Unfortunately, even on an evening like this, Faïz had things to do, once again.

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