Chapters 8-6

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I left So Home News a little late that evening, and for good reason: my colleagues had given me the most ungrateful chores. I no longer counted the number of times I had been called that afternoon to make more coffee. I suspected Agustin of having orchestrated these small treatments against me. William had insisted on taking me back to Elora and was waiting for me in his sedan. He had his hair tied back as I liked it. His beard of a few days gave him a most seductive look. When he saw me sitting next to him, he immediately understood from the look on my face that my day had been trying.

— "Hey, another bad day today?" he asked me in a soft voice.

— "There has been good," I whispered.

— "It's okay, you only have a few weeks left. Then you'll never have to see Miss Bugs Bonny again."

I couldn't help but smile. William was always able to find the words to comfort me.

— "It's Mrs. Bo-nn-y," I said, amused.

He drove slowly, wanting to spend as much time as possible with me. I then decided to gently start the subject of my future article.

— "I don't have much time left, but I'd like to save a place at So Home News for maybe later."

— "And how are you going to do that, Zoe? For now, they won't let you touch anything but the photocopier."

Cut to the quick, I hesitated to tell him the news of the day. How was he going to take it? Why did I feel like I was betraying him? I saw myself again in the garden where he had taken me that Christmas Eve. I had almost been conquered at that time, in front of the magic of the elements. Any normal woman would have fallen in love with him after all that. I felt miserable.

— "Tell me what's wrong. I can see there's something else worrying you."

William's face forced me to tell him the truth. I could not pretend any longer: he read my mind as if it were an open book.

— "Look, I was given an article to write for the February issue. It concerns Faïz and his future position as CEO at Trac-World."

He raised a hand to interrupt me, scowling.

— "Okay, but why would that bother me? On the Internet you can find all the information you want."

— "Not only that, but I will have to spend a little more time with him. It's a job I have to do in the field."

William congratulated me, trying to hide his disappointment with this news as best he could. The look on his face betrayed him. The frustration he felt ripped my heart out.

— "It's just for work," I insisted, maybe to convince myself, too.

— "I wish I could tell you that I'm happy for you, and I am, but fate always brings you back to each other. I guess you had a choice as to whether or not to accept this project?"

— "What's your point, Will?"

We had already arrived in Elora, in the courtyard of the villa. Damn it, the journey had gone by at full speed! There was a heavy silence inside the car. William finally talked to me.

— "I mean, it suits you that it's like that, Zoe. Don't tell me the idea came from your boss. You just jumped at the chance as soon as you heard Faïz's name."

Now he was staring at me. I was completely amazed by his reaction.

— "Yes. The project could have gone to that little prick Agustin if I hadn't taken this opportunity. It was the only way for me to finally prove myself!"

William paused and looked over my shoulder, greeting someone a little further away. As I turned around, I saw Victoria coming towards us.

— "I have to distance myself a bit from our relationship, Zoe," he sighed. "You know where to find me if you need me, or...if you want me."

As I was about to answer him, Victoria opened my door.

— "Hello, you two," she greeted us cheerfully.

— "Hi, Vic," William said to her as naturally as possible.

— "Oh, am I disturbing you?" She apologized when she saw my disconcerted face.

She looked at me, worried, and waited for my answer.

— "No, not at all," I replied with a forced smile. "We were done."

I got out of the car and turned around to William, still confused by his last words.

— "We'll talk about this later," I said in a low voice. "I wish you a good evening."

— "See you soon, Zoe. Take care of yourself," he concluded in a hard voice.

I knew he was hurt. I was in such pain deep down. In this platonic relationship, he had just broken up with me once and for all. It took my brain a few seconds to function normally, just in time to hear the car move away, in time to answer Victoria's question like a distant echo.

— "Yeah, I'm fine, I just need to settle down a little."

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