Chapters 7-4

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The waiter came back to clear our dishes and offered us the dessert menu. I ordered a coffee while Victoria opted for ice cream.

— "Ice is always comforting," she said, winking at me.

I smile a little sadly at her, wishing in my heart that one day she could erase this painful drama from her memory. Victoria represented peace to me, with her calm moments in the midst of a world that seemed to be collapsing all around me. My phone started to vibrate. I had a message from a number I didn't know. I consulted it immediately.

Hi, Zoe. I guess you have a lot to do today. I propose that we meet again tonight, if you have time, to discuss all the issues that came up. William.

How the hell did he get my number? I was sure I hadn't given it to him.

— "Is everything all right?" Victoria asked, obviously worried.

— "Yeah, it's just about tonight, the organization."

I didn't want to dwell on the subject. Indeed, I was planning to take a step back from all this for one evening.

Tonight I'm with friends on the beach. How did you get my number?

I had the feeling that this meeting was actually a pretext to see me again. Turning back to Victoria, I clumsily elbowed my cup of coffee and it poured on me. I immediately applied my napkin to it to minimize the damage to my overalls, but to no avail.

— "I'm going to ask for another one," said Victoria.

I didn't have time to answer before she'd already gone to look for a server. My phone vibrated again.

Too bad about your outfit. Coffee stains can be resistant.

What the hell? Is this a joke? The idea of knowing that William was watching me immediately made me uncomfortable. I scanned the whole restaurant, but I didn't see him. It was while looking through the window that I saw him, sitting in a black sedan across the street, with the window down. How long had he been spying on me? I immediately sent him a message.

What are you doing?

His answer was not long in coming.

Should I bring you and Victoria back?

— "Zoe," said Victoria, who had just reappeared while handing me a towel, "I'm sorry, I couldn't find anything else to clean your clothes."

She noticed the irritated look on my face.

— "Don't worry, we'll go home and clean it up," she tried to reassure me, convinced that this little accident was the cause of my irritation.

— "Uh... No, it's not that. William's here. He wants to take us home."

She looked hastily outside the restaurant and suddenly a big smile lit up her porcelain face. It was obvious that she was very happy to see him. She turned to me.

— "Did you tell him we were here?"

— "No, I don't even know how he found us!"

The waiter arrived and stared at me with a sorry look for my outfit.

— "I'll put the note on Mr. Mattew's account?"

— "Yes, please."

I understood that the family had its habits in this chic and worldly place. Victoria hurried to get up, taking me by the hand to drag me out. William got out of his car to greet her with a warm hug. I nodded to him, hiding as I did the attraction I felt against my will to his mad charm. There was something noble about him. He had tied his hair, adopting a rebellious chic look. He stared at me intensely. I pulled myself together as quickly as I could and decided to let Victoria sit beside him. As I opened the rear door of the vehicle to settle in, I saw a black shadow passing through the reflection of the tinted window at full speed. I turned around right away, but saw nothing. I was sure I had seen something. Victoria and William settled in the sedan and I preferred not to tell them. After all, maybe it was just a bird. We left for Elora.

— "You were in the area?" asked Victoria.

— "You could say that!"

He looked at me in the rearview mirror, but I pretended to look at the landscape, carefully avoiding any contact with him.

— "I'll drop you off at home?" he asked Victoria.

— "Yes, please. Zoe, is that good for you?"

— "Perfect. I have to study before I go out tonight to meet my friends. Do you want to come with me?" I asked Victoria.

She took the time to think for a moment before answering me.

— "I prefer to rest, tonight. I admit, I'm exhausted. I just want to stay at the villa. Greet everyone for me."

I looked at my phone to see the time. Almost four o'clock. I only had two or three hours of study in front of me. Why the hell did I agree to go to the beach? I envied Victoria spending the evening in Elora. I, too, felt exhausted and drained.

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