Chapters 1-3

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Victoria ended the tour by showing me my room. The view was incredible. With the setting sun, I had the impression I was at the edge of a cliff with the ocean as far as the eye could see. The huge bed caught my attention, seeming huge to me. The sheets and cushions were matched to the cream colors of the room. My dressing room, closed with a leather-covered door, seemed far too big for what I had brought. I noticed, surprised, that my things were already there. Victoria sat on my bed while I opened my suitcases.

— "You'll be fine for your first day of school on Monday?" she asked me.

— "A part of me is a little scared. It's the first time I've been so far from home."

— "Don't worry, we're here. We are your new family and..."

She stopped talking, as if she had already said too much. What's the problem with that rich kid? Is he a junkie we have to hide? Victoria sighed and then continued in a low voice,

— "Faïz is very popular in our neighborhood, but also at university. He'll be there for you if you need him."

This admission was good for me, happy to hear that the Mattews' son was quite normal. My eyes lingered on Victoria who, with her simple appearance—though not as pretty as her mother—seemed to hide a very reserved nature.

— "What are your origins? " she asked while staring at me.

— "I'm Cuban."

— "You are very Latin, and I notice that you like jewelry," she deduced, pointing to my wrist with her finger.

I immediately touched my bracelets with a smile, noticing that Victoria was observant. As for her, she wore no jewelry. No earrings, no necklace. Sitting on my bed, she had a simple personality, far from the golden youth of Los Angeles. This was hardly believable when you lived in a villa like this one, with its ostentatious luxury.

The front door slammed violently, which made us both jump. Then we heard voices from below.

— "You can't just come in and decide to demolish things wherever and whenever you want!"

— "My father," sighed Victoria, looking up to heaven.

A second voice, just as irritated—that of a young man, more precisely—came to us.

— "How would you have liked it to end? Unlike you, I can't just stand there, to sit back and do nothing!"

Lily intervened in this heated discussion. I did not hear what she was saying, but the two men immediately calmed down.

— "Don't worry, it's often like that between my father and brother. They argue all the time and rarely agree on anything, " Victoria tried to reassure me."

— "As in all families, I suppose," I said as I finished folding a t-shirt.

A grin appeared at the corner of her mouth. She seemed amused by my answer and I wondered why. At that moment, my phone in my jeans pocket rang. My father! I grinned. Indeed, I had completely forgotten to send him a message after landing to let him know that everything had gone well.

— "You can call from our phone. I think it will cost you less," Victoria suggested.

— "Yes, you're probably right."

When I was about to called him, Lily called us from downstairs to come to dinner.

— "I will call him later," I decreed.

I turned to the bay window. The sun had disappeared, leaving only an orange and red sky reflecting on the ocean. Those shiny waves were a magnificent spectacle.

Victoria came out of my room first, adopting a nonchalant approach. As I stood in the corridor, my eyes lingered in front of a half-open door. I couldn't help but take a quick sneak peek into the insert, and then I saw a part of the room. There was someone inside, yet I hadn't heard anyone go upstairs.

My eyes lingered in the door's opening and I saw a rather masculine decor. I assume it was Faïz's room. Jackets on a rack, a desk with a white polo shirt on it. By moving a bit closer, I realized that the garment was stained by what looked like traces of blood. At that moment, a quick shadow passed behind the door, slamming it violently in my face. Confused by this reaction, I fumed. What a little prick! Without knowing him, I already hated him.

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