Chapters 10-6

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The visit to Trac-Word's premises lasted well into the afternoon. In this gigantic building, we met many people except Faïz, to my great despair. We finished the visit to Human Resources with a manager named Sienna. I noticed that she, too, was not yet in her thirties. Truly, the average age of this company was rather young, which was confirmed to me by the latter during our interview. She explained to me all the measures that Trac-Word had taken to fight against sexual and racial discrimination within the firm. This interview had interested me so much that I had forgotten the time. I was surprised to note that it was already 6:00 p.m. when I took a look at my watch.

— "I have to go and pick up my daughter," apologized Chloe, indicating to us that it was time for her to leave.

— "We'll see each other tonight, my pretty," said Andy with a wave of his hand as a farewell gesture.

— "Zoe, are you going to be okay?" asked Chloe anxiously before leaving the room.

— "Yes, I think I have everything I need. Thank you for giving me your time. It was very captivating, " I answered in a sincere tone."

She couldn't help but come and give me a warm hug.

— "If you ever need anything for your article, you send me an email. I'll answer you as soon as I can. We'll save the goodbyes for tonight. You, too, have to hurry up to leave. The offices are closing early tonight."

I thanked her again before letting her go and then it was Andy, James, and Sienna's turn to take leave. They had all been incredible and endearing during that day. James walked me back to the exit of the reception hall. As agreed, Adan was waiting for me. He immediately invited me to settle inside the vehicle.

— "See you later, James," I told him before I got into the Range Rover.

— "See you tonight. We're glad you're sharing this moment with us. You'll see, our evenings are really entertaining."

Although somewhat skeptical, I was happy to see them all one last time before turning the page on New York.

— "Yes, I don't doubt it!"

When Adan started the car's engine, he gave me a worried look in the rearview mirror before warning me in an embarrassed voice about the situation.

— "I received the order to drop you off at the hotel, Miss Reyes, without waiting for Mr. Mattew."

— "Yes, Adan, that's what's planned. That's fine with me, thank you."

Given the traffic of this weekend, I knew I had long minutes ahead of me before I arrived at the Plaza. So I decided to call Lexy to check in with her.

— "Hi, Zoe," replied my friend cheerfully. "I was going to call you soon. What's new in New York?"

— "Good evening, Lexy. Everything is fine except the Arctic cold. And you?"

— "Stop complaining. In our part of the country it looks like the apocalypse! I won't tell you about the heat, or even the panic with the fires of the last few days."

— "The air would really have to cool down and rain to stop the flames from spreading. Are you planning on coming tomorrow night? For Victoria's birthday?"

— "Don't worry, we'll all be there. Lily sent us a message. Apparently it's going to happen at William and his brother's house. Have you ever been there?"

— "That's what Lily said when I called her. Yes, I know where it is. I think you'll like it. It's... How to say... Special."

— "So cool. We look forward to seeing you again."

— "Lucas is still the past?" I asked in a hesitant voice.

— "Always! And he will remain that way. We're still very good friends, don't worry. And you, nothing to tell about this trip with Faïz?"

— "No," I sighed deeply. "Nothing, but it has been a while since I faced reality. I hope to finally resign myself completely."

— "Never mind that simple guy! There's always William waiting for you. He seems very much in love with you."

— "After wasting his time, he should rather hate me. That would make more sense. He expects something from me that I'm unable to give to him right now."

— "I understand. There's no point in rushing. Things always happen for a reason."

— "That is absolutely true. I have to leave you, Lexy. I've arrived at the hotel."

— "See you tomorrow, Zoe. Have a good evening."

We hung up without me telling her about tonight's gala. Lexy tended to have extreme behavior in situations like this. Once parked in front of the entrance, Adan preceded me to open my car door.

— "Thank you. You're coming back to pick us up later?" I asked him.

— "Yes, Miss Reyes, that's what's planned."

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