Chapters 7-7

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William parked in the parking lot, which was still full at that time of the evening.

— "I think they are there." I pointed to a small group gathered far away on the beach, near a fire lit for the occasion.

We got out of the car and a little fresh wind reminded me that I was right to take my jacket. The lights of the Ferris wheel and its attractions lit Santa Monica on the other side from where we were. William stood beside me and extended his arm to me. I hesitated for a moment, refusing to give him false hopes. However, his irresistible pout won me over. Perhaps part of me was hoping that he could be the one who could help me turn the page on Faïz. The touch of my hand on his bare arm disturbed me somewhat.

— "Student party. It will remind me of my youth," William said in an amused tone.

His smile lit up his face.

— "Do the Sylphs have a youth like any other human being?"

When I arrived on the beach, I took off my shoes with my other hand and plunged my feet into the cool sand.

— "Oh, yes, and I can tell you that I consumed it without moderation!"

His answer seemed to imply many things. Since I'd come back from the mansion, a question had been burning my lips, and as we walked towards the small group, I decided to ask it now.

— "Are you mortal?"

I had so much to ask him, and I was disappointed not to have enough time tonight to do it. I knew in advance that the girls would not let go of me all evening with William at my side and, moreover, arm in arm. I prepared myself psychologically for a fierce interrogation on their part.

— "Immortality does not exist here on earth, but I live longer than any human being."

— "That is to say...?" I insisted, amazed.

I slowed down in order to gain precious seconds.

— "Our life expectancy varies between one hundred and thirty and one hundred and fifty years," William explained to me.

Shocked by this revelation, my brain undertook mental calculations on everything that came to my mind at that moment, and then I finally added,

— "Oh... Indeed, that's a lot of time..."

Beastly cries in my direction startled me, preventing me from finishing my sentence. I quickly understood that we had been spotted by Asarys and Lexy, who were running towards us like two real furies.

— "Look at that!" Lexy teased me by standing in front of us with eyes sparkling.

— "I think we missed something," Asarys said.

— "Hi, girls." I cleared my throat uncomfortably. "Uh... This is William."

He greeted them courteously, but I felt a sense of restraint on his part towards my two friends, showing me a side of him I didn't know. His smile had literally faded, setting limits from the beginning. Apparently, I was the only one to have that impression, because my two gossips winked their eyes like two idiots, completely hypnotized by my guest's charm and class. Incomprehensible whispers escaped from their mouths.

— "How are Ray and Lucas?" I interfered so that they would come to their senses as soon as possible.

— "Who? I don't know who you're talking about," laughed Lexy while continuing to stare at William.

I shook my head and lifted my eyes to the heavens.

— "Come on!" Asarys ordered us, regaining herself faster than her friend.

She pulled me by the arm, which, to my great regret, made me drop William's arm. I followed her, held firmly, while Lexy took my place behind us.

— "You go from brown to blond?" whispered Asarys discreetly in my ear.

— "It's not what you think," I murmured nervously, feeling things getting tough.

She turned to look at William with a forced smile on her face.

— "Of course, Zoe! You tend to hold anyone's arm. That's exactly you," she growled with her teeth clenched, trying to get me to confess to something I had forgotten to tell her.

— "Shut up!" I pushed her away with my elbow and laughed.

— "I'm warning you, I want to know everything. Season one, two, and three, with all the episodes of your fucking rosewater series."

Asarys pointed at me, threatening. Lexy then came between us and pushed her to take her place beside me.

— "It's my turn!" she said.

Asarys complied, moaning, and moved behind beside William. The interrogation, but this time with the good cop, continued.

— "When did this start?"

— "Nothing has started!" I rebelled as discreetly as possible. "He's a friend of the Mattew family, that's all!"

I hoped with all my might that William could not hear anything from our stormy conversation.

— "Oh yes, I see... It's just sex," she persisted.

— "Lexy, can you stop talking nonsense?"

I discreetly dodged a glance behind me. Asarys and William were chatting without paying attention to us.

— "Do you like him?"

— "No," I replied without looking at her, so that she would not notice my smile that betrayed me.

— "Little liar! Look at you, you can't even hide your crush on that playboy."

When we arrived by the fire on the beach, the group welcomed us warmly. It was with relief that I appreciated this little moment of respite, knowing full well that my two friends did not intend to stop there. I started to go around the people gathered and say hello, noticing in passing some new faces I didn't know.

— "Clara, my little sister, and Christophe, my cousin," Baudoin said, introducing me.

— "How are you? You also live here in LA?" I asked them.

— "No, we come from France," replied the little redhead with short hair and freckles on her cheeks.

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