My Atypical Reincarnation

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My life was great I was the popular Girl with lots of friends and everyone worshiped the ground I stood on some boys particularly were a little open about it. I was happy every day I was in control of the world around me. My world just so happened to be my Jack Baine High School for geniuses. Everyone here had an IQ of at least one hundred and forty, and that was the lowest score of the school. Everyone here was destined for greatness.

I was a six-foot-tall beauty with a perfected body that I trained in doing extreme sports. My six-pack was well defined my legs toned to both be well-muscled but juicy so I didn't look like a muscle freak. I was charismatic and school president of the council that pretty much ran the school. The teachers learned here that the students were better at running the school than they themselves and only intervened when things got extreme. Our investment club has brought the school almost into the list of billionaires and was just shy of another fifty million to bring it in there to join the billionaire club. I was in charge of these geniuses making the final decision in the end.

About ten years ago the government learned that Geniuses skipping grades all the way to university without meeting others like themselves being surrounded by "Idiots" in comparison was bad for our development. If your better then everybody intellectually then either you developed you are better than everybody or were destroyed by the normal masses for not being the same. Either way, they learned only by putting the best and the brightest together as they were developing would they bring humanity even further. So they came up with a way to pull this off. On the international stage, a politician named Jack Baine came out with a bill that the best and the brightest from each country to send their best to a school that no country had control over each country apart of it will fund it making it cheaper for everyone to provide the best for these students. This school will then be a boarding school where these students will work towards bettering humanity as a whole, no country was allowed to scout them as they could do as they want. This was a neutral bill and the countries with the most power were against it. So they allowed them to opt-out and not be a part of it. They then created the school and students with one stipulation that all students had to sign in a binding agreement. No joining any power that didn't fund the powers that hadn't joined. Thus created Jack Baine Elementry and Jack Baine High schools respectively.

I had been going to these schools since they first opened when I was eight years old. My parents were extremely happy when I had an IQ test and came out to 239. I was from Canada in a small town that had not more than three thousand and was only alive due to the mine mining a new source of gold in the Northwest territories. It was my ticket out and my parents sent me immediately. It was a shock leaving the small school of ten students where I thought everyone was an idiot to everyone around me was a genius themselves from all over. Everyone quickly adapted and learned new languages so we all spoke roughly six languages English being the main trade language to Spanish, French, German, Russian, Swedish. There were other less common ones but we grew to be each other's rivals and friends quickly. Everyone had interests that they choose to specialize in that others didn't like so much. I quickly fell in love with extreme sports but my favorite interest was fighting. I learned eight different martial arts jujitsu, Muay Thai karate boxing judo were some of my favorites. I competed and prospered. That though was before high school when I left that phase was the best I could call it and became an avid leader nerd I wanted to learn to lead others to create the optimal solution through compromise and convincing.

I studied everything I could relate to it. Diplomacy, Psychology self-help books it ranged them all. After a year I became our school's Beauty of a School president. I got the clubs going and pointed them in directions to truly separate our school from the governments so that they had no control over it except with laws to keep us all protected. The only thing I couldn't get rid of where the guards surrounding the place for our protections. It was bad I found out when I became the student council president. We had an average of forty-five attempted break-ins a month whether through the internet or physically trying to steal student's work. That was even counting the attempts of shooting their way in. The superpower that decided not to join realized their mistake and found their technological gap decrease at frightening speed as students that were in their early teens were learning and creating becoming their fields leading experts. Finally, I had our students start making self-defense weapons to protect the school. This was my biggest regret, For someone who is as smart as me, I learned something new that I should have seen coming. No matter how smart someone is if it has never been put into practice then they are likely to fuck up.

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