chapter 34

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Kang y/n's pov
V's mansion ( 8:30 AM )

I reached here just in time. Hana was busy eating her candy ,as she saved some for taena and jaeson too.

I went to taena's room to see if she was ready for today's exercise or not. While Hana went for jaeson who was leaning on the door of the backyards.

I passed a stressed out shina at the kitchen, a frown was sitting on her flawless face.

She was glancing at the watch hanging on the wall , while stirring something in the fry pan which was settled on the gas stove.

I made my way towards her . "Unnie?" I asked as I looked at her , and placed my hand on her shoulder. "Yeah?" Her voice was barely hear able.

"What's wrong?" I asked her , and she stopped her doings , and she turned to face me.

"Mr Kim is wrong. He left too early this morning, without having breakfast. Jisoo unnie said that I should make him something and drop it at his office. " she explained. And I nodded at the information.

"So, are you gonna drop food at his office?" I questioned her. She was now placing the food in the different containers.

" of the drivers would -" "let it be unnie. I'll go." I stated cutting her in her mid sentence.

"Really?" She asked as the food was placed neatly in the steel tiffin. I nodded in the answer. "Okay, wait .let me tell the driver-" " unnie, its okay. I'll took a cab and.....what say ,should I give him a surprise visit?" I asked her with a mischievous smile on my face.

"You should." She confirmed. "Aye, aye captain. " I said ,and we both laughed at our conversation.

"Okay, I'll go now. Take care of the kids."


I regretted booking this cab.

This hell of a driver is younger than me, and he's constantly trying to flirt with me.

"So....y/n right?" He asked looking at me from the rear mirror of the car.

While on the back seat ,I was busy on checking the road, if he's taking me to the right destination or not. I mean Google maps aren't that worthless. No?

"Hmm." I only hummed as the response. Not taking off my eyes from my phone.

"So, are you single at this moment?"he again questioned .

"Like right now, you say?" I asked him back. He hummed this time.

"Yep." I said casually. Putting my phone back into my purse. "Okay, then whom you're taking this food ?" This bloody....

"For my boyfriend. " I answered him .

"What the he- but you said you're single right now?" He fired back.

I rolled my eyes at this silly question.
"Can you see anyone besides me sitting here, on your freaking cab with me? No, right? " I said with a smirk.

"Which makes me the only, and single person here. Got that?" I peeked my red nails.

"Oh my - ." He stopped in his mid sentence, and took a deep breath, cursing under his breath.

"Can I have your number?" He asked. and trust me how much I want to kill him now. He's getting on my nerves right now.

" i love 3."

"I mean your phone number. "

"Oh! I'ts an I phone 11."

"No, I mean - well, how can I call you?"

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