chapter 5

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Y/n's POV
At kim's mansion (5:15 pm)

As I reached the big door of the mansion, eventually the entrance of the house. I rang the doorbell twice. No answer. I again rang the doorbell ,but again the same result. I was getting frustrated.

I calmed myself, "just once more y/n. " I whispered to myself. Then I again raise my hand to rang the doorbell.

And this time, the door opened, by a beautiful lady. Her face was showing nothing but pure confusion.

And from her attire, I was sure that she was a maid. "um, sorry but who are you? " she asked me politely .

"oh yes, I am kang y/n, I have came from Seoul heart hospital for checking up on Mr Kim's sister. " I answered her politely as well.

"uh, sorry. " she bowed at me. I also bowed at her quickly. "please come in". She said smiling at me while gesturing me to come in the house.

She scooted beside to give me some room. I nodded and slightly smiled at her.

"Mr Kim have told me about your arrival miss. And I'm sorry for my -" she was about to bow down at me, I immediately stopped her for doing that. Of course she's probably older than me, so she doesn't have to do that.

"ah, no no, it's okay. " I said as I look around for a while.

"um, please make yourself comfortable. " I averted my gaze at her, she gestured toward the classy sofa behind me to take a sit.

I nodded as I sat down on the sofa, and put my medical kit near my feet. We were having our conversation, but soon it was inturpted by a voice.

"who's there noona ?" that voice was masculine, but not that much. I couldn't see the face behind the coming voice, since it was hiding behind the maid.

Then soon she scooted a little, now I was able to see his face. A face, which you could recognize as a face of an angel.

He's the most handsome face I have ever seen in my small life. He was talking to her, and I was watching him in awe.

He really is beautiful. And he's attire was a plus point, he was wearing a white see trough T-shirt and some blue denim . Simple yet classy.

Suddenly I felt his eyes on me, which caused me to snapped into reality. I panicked a little as we make eye contact.

He started walking towards me, without breaking the eye contact. I stood up from the sofa as now he was in front of me,like face to face.

'how it feels to face the angel directly in front of you? ' god, how bad I wanted to put my thoughts on Google and wanted to see the results, if they are the same as I'm feeling right now.

"hi?" he said softly , more like a question ."Huh? " was all I could have managed to say that time.

He raised his Brow,again questing me, still looking at me. I looked elsewhere, get a grip y/n .' I thought and I looked up at him confidently.

I cleared my throat before speaking, " h-hello. " okay, I stuttered, but I also managed to make myself present confident in front of him and I extented my hand towards him.

He shook my hand firmly. "are you perhaps, Mr-Mr Kim?" I said as we finished shaking each other's hands.

He chuckled at my hesitancy and put his hands on his pant's pocket, he slightly shook his head looking downwards.

Then he looked at me, "so, you don't have any idea about, who he is? " he asked me with a soft tone, I shook my head negativily.

He nodded once. "and for the answer to your question, no, I'm not Mr Kim. " he said giggling for some reason. I just hummed,

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