chapter 22

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Kim Taehyung's POV
V's office (1:00 pm)

"hyung, why didn't you tell us?" said a annoyed jungkook,all along barging in the office. I sighed as I looked up at him.

"what are you talking about kook? " I asked as I got back on my paper work, as jungkook took a sit in front of me.

" about piper, hyung? " I rolled my eyes at his statement ." there's nothing to tell you about it. Okay? " I said still not looking at him, working on the papers.

" but hyung- "  he was almost on the verge of protest but I glared at him with ' shut up ' look. And thankfully he took the hint.

"well, why are you -" I got cutted off by my phone ringing. I didn't check the number before picking it up.

"hello?" I said as I furrowed on the words of the following paper, it was suspicious. So I gave it to jungkook, so he could also take a look on that.

"um, is this Mr Kim taehyung? " said a female voice. I took off the phone ,and bringing it before my eyes, to check the number.

It was Unknown yet, personal number. I pressed again it, to my ears.

"yes. It is. Who is this? "I asked the stranger on the phone getting curious .

On the other hand jungkook was all serious now. "uh, it's kang y/n sir. " said a shy voice. I smirked at the remark, still eyeing a serious looking jungkook in front of me.

"ah, Ms kang. Say, how may I help you? " I leaned back into my leather chair, more comfortably.

And I can see jungkook gulped, at the mantion of her name.

"sir, I know you're busy right now, and trust me I tried to call to your secretary too, but she said you were in a meeting. And if you really are in a meeting I'm extremely sorry sir. I just -" she was ranting, cute. But Ms Bae has lied to her, so I make a mental note to talk to her about this later.

"Ms kang, Ms kang, take a breath. Yeah? " after I finished my words, I can here her breathing deeply. She was getting out of her breath because of her ranting. "I'm fine, I'm fine. "

"okay, so now can you tell me the reason why you called me? " I said calmly to her, so it won't sound less rude. I closed my eyes feeling peace, because somehow her voice was calming.

"actually, I was working on taena's new report, which you asked me to make. So, the reports are ready, and since she's your sister, so I thought it would be better to give the reports to you. So, I was thinking if you could make a quick stop at hospital, to grab her reports? " I can sense the nervousness in her voice, I wanted to laugh at it, but I have to control it. And myself too.

I cleared my thoughts and, my throat too, before speaking. "yeah, I think I can do that. Which time you want  ,me to take it? " I asked her as I opened my eyes to look at my youngest brother, to make sure he wasn't doing any monkey thing.

But he was only sitting there, with a stupid smirk on his face. I ignored it obviously. Hah.

"um, you can come anytime till, 8:30 pm, after that my shift ends at the hospital. So? " she said again in her little voice, it was almost inaudible for listen, but I got that.

"okay, then. I'll see you letter Ms kang. " and after her small yeah I hung up the call. With a stupid smile swimming on my lips.

"did you heard that hyung? " suddenly jungkook's voice came from somewhere. He wasn't in front of me anymore. He was behind me. Somehow.

"OH MY -is it really happening kookie?" I facepalmed, it was a really exited jin hyung, speaking from the other side.

"yes hyung, yes! It is - " I groaned at thier conversation. And before I could here anything else. I went out to ms bae's office. We have so much to clear out.

Third person's POV
V's office room (1:15 pm)

"what say hyung, should we plan something for him? " said a really enthusiastic jungkook over the phone call to his all five hyungs.

"oh, com'on what the hell ,do you think you're doing. Huh? " came from a annoyed yoongi.

"yah! Yoongi- ah!  Can't you see we all are trying to match him with y/n..god this boy-" a frustrated seokjin scolded his younger one.

"why you even putted him on the call Jk?" muttered hoseok.

Jungkook tried to muffle his laughter. "guys! We don't have time to discuss about his love life here. Okay? " said the genius of the group, RM.

They all grunted at the words, at the same time. Well, except for suga.

"oh, well, you're right though. Well ,do anybody know where's my jiminie pabo? " asked a very serious bunny kook.

Watching over the office door, so that he could make sure taehyung wasn't coming back.

" I don't know, man! " and with that I don't know' s train started one by one. Jungkook sighed in frustration. "well, hyung I have to tell you something. "

"Piper, she's back in Seoul. " the statement made all the boys go silent. "fuck dude". Muttered a very angry yoongi.

"oh god! Now what should we do now?" says a very concerned hoseok.

"I don't know, but we must do something. "

To be continued.......

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