chapter 30

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A/n's pov
V's mansion ( 1:00 pm )

"FINALLY!" Exclaimed jungkook, raising his fist to bump it with air .

"Told ya ,kook. " it was seokjin, who appeared to be the most excited one for the given news. He pointed his index finger towards jungkook, while winking. Jungkook just rolled his eyes.

All the brothers, well except for hoseok, were piled up for lunch at V's place . As for their lunch tradition every noon. In their working clothes, they seems okay to eat well cooked food ,by Jisoo.

But the more exiting thing was , what v has told them. Yeah, that he finally asked y/n to go out with him.

When ,the bomb was dropped taena was asleep, after eating with jisoo and jin's daughter and her cousin Jena.

They were currently sitting on his house's dining room's table. While taehyung was in the head chair , seokjin was sitting in his left ,and namjoon was on his right.

Jimin took a sit beside namjoon, and jungkook followed with seokjin, and yoongi hyung was sitt- well, sleeping beside jimin with headphones on his head ,while they left a chair for hoseok to take if anytime he comes home with his sprite.

Taehyung rolled his eyes at what his brothers were saying. " I knew it! There was something about her which always tells me , she's perfect for you V." Jimin said proudly to his brother.

"No, wayyyy. It was me ,okay. Who knew it since the second I laid my eyes on her ." Jin said over excitedly.

Suddenly they heard someone clearing their throat behind taehyung's head sit.
It was Jisoo. Her right hand on her right hip and her left hand was occupied with a steel spatula. A black and pink apron tied on her body.

Everyone's eyes snapped towards her ,with different expression. The maknae line was smirking , and namjoon was watching her short figure standing behind taehyung, with quite amused expression.

jin's eyes were wide as he watches his wife. Visibily gulping hard. And as for yoongi, he was still sleeping.

"So, Mr Kim seokjin, I thought you were here to discuss something about your business, not about a girl ,hm." Jisoo said ,dangerously lowering her voice, fake smiling at him.

And seokjin knows it very well , that it means danger for him if jisoo takes his full name.

He slowly stood up from his chair, with wide eyes and gaped mouth. All the guys were now , trying to suppress their laughter, as they knew their older is going to get scolded in front of them ,or it could be more worse than that.

"No, babe- " Jin started to give his poor try on making jisoo calm down ,but before it could started he got cutted off by her.

" dont you dare to call me babe, right now." Jisoo yelled at him, pointing her spatula to him, while her other hand was now by her side .

"Baby, then?"

Jisoo just gave him a deadly glare, "now go to the kitchen and help me with the food. " she clearly ordered him .the guys couldn't help it when he obeyed her mere order without any hesitation.

The whole dining room erupted with their laughter. Jisoo sighed ,shaking her head. "Com'on jisoo ,don't stress okay. " says namjoon, who noticed her stressed face.

"Or maybe ,someone's jealous, hm?" Jimin said while playfully smirking at jisoo's slender figure. Wiggling his eyebrows, he surely looked funny.

" ah, don't worry, noona, he was talking about hyung's girl. " jungkook pointed to v , who was sipping peacefully on his water ,but jungkook's comment made him choke on his water, very badly .

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