chapter 29

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Dedicated to TaeMochiKook7 thank you girl for your support!

Kang y/n's pov
V's land entrance (11:23 am)

I was about to enter the building, but my steps falter as a man on the entrance stops me .

He was like a man in black tipe, wearing black pants ,black coat with white shirt underneath, black straight tie and shining black shoes .not to mention that he has a Bluetooth connected on his ear .

"Excuse me, mam? Can you please come with me ?" He said as he came to me ,and murmuring something on his Bluetooth. " ,sure". I said very hesitantly. He only nodded and open the get for me and escorted me in.

I was once again, standing at the same building, with different shades of blue .that's what I really like about this building, v's land. The biggest company for different types of electronic.

I moved my head to see my surroundings, and I quickly recognized Nancy, talking to someone with the telephone on her front and trust me she was looking so tense .

But she manage to look good in her dark green shirt and black pencil skirt. "Mam?" The guy from before , said . "Yes?" I said absent mindly.

"Mam ,can I know your reason for being here?" He asked sternly, as he started taping on his tab , which I didn't notice before.

"Um...actually I have a meeting with Mr Kim." I told him calmly. But I was now shaking from inside.

"May I have your name please?" He asked again as he tapped his fingertips on the tab.

"Kang y/n." I gave him my name . He nodded his head , showing me that he caught it . "I'm sorry mam, but there's nothing with your name. "He said as he finally looked up from the device and his emotionless brown eyes were boaring into mine .

I gulped at the intensity of his eyes."'s not formal though-" but before I could explain him the things, he cutted me off .

"Then I'm afraid to let you go inside,mam." He told me with his voice lower now. "Um....can I call Mr Kim, really quick?" I asked him , hoping he would at least let me do this . Because meeting him wasn't my purpose, but the thing I have to tell him was the important thing.

He eyed me , up and down my short form against him. He smirked, and now I was getting a bit angrier at his behavior.

"Don't tell me ,shit .okay. your looking like a bloody poor here, and you want me to believe your little lie, hm? Oh, com'on every other day people come here saying they know Mr Kim personally. I can believe them, but you....sorry. " his face turned into disgust. As his sentence finished I, closed my eyes as my fists clenched on my each side . Can't beat his ass here.

"Look ,Mr. I'm not here to listen your bull-"


And with that tiger like roar everything went in slow motion and everything stops at that time. Every head included mine snapped towards his side.

He was standing there in a neavy blue perfectly tailored suit ,without tie on his neck and two buttons were open on his white shirt he was wearing. His brown shoes were matching with his brown Gucci belt.

He took strides to our side and he stood beside me one hand buried in his pocket and one hand hanging on his side with a tight fist. He was glaring at my opponent, his hair were in undercut and his perfect forehead was on a display.

Honestly, he was standing there ,ready to destroy any model's carrier, but that wasn't my concern now . The man who insult me was horrified by him.

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