chapter 44

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It's a long ass chapter ~~~ plus trigger warning----mention of suicide and brutal murder.

Kim taehyung's pov
Y/n's house ( 8:30 pm)

Today's day was really hectic, because Ms bae decided to resign for no reason...suddenly. and all the work was just a headache.

Without even thinking once of my house, I drove to her house. Because of course she doesn't know how much calmness she holds in her arms.

After having the second round, and a romantic dinner with her, we went to have a shower, where we only, well....showered.

Currently we were on her bed cuddling more, in peace.

I was thinking how she was trusting me with her secrets and here I was hiding the things with her, like a coward here.

I sighed in frustration, finally making my decision.

"Baby?" I called out for her silently. She just hummed. "We need to talk." I said and she sat up immediately with widen eyes.

"What it is?" She muttered. And I sat up eventually. I brought her hands in mine , ready to tell her my biggest and the deepest secret, which only me and the boys knows, it was something which I never told taena too.

"Y/n, tonight I'm gonna tell you something....and I want you to listen it carefully ,okay?" I pleaded to her. I don't want any tipe of distraction in between my telling.

She nodded. "Actually, I hide something from you." And she was shocked as expected, but didn't said anything.

"My business is just a cover up for my mafia work. I'm the leader of bangtan, And the boys are my members. I took it from my dad, when he died...... there's a man called park bogum, his dad and my dad were..... well, they were boss and secretary......and my mom was secretly dating him."

10 years ago:

"I can't do this anymore master woo!" I Exclaimed to my strict coach. Hell, I'm just a 16 years old boy, how can he expect me to do boxing straight for one and a half hours.

He simply glared at me like he do everytime I'd shout anything. "I'm afraid young master, but your dad has hired me to train you ,not to see you throwing tantrums on me. " he argued back.

I swear......

"Don't wanna tell you this but, my daughter is 1 years younger than you, and she never cry like you do all the time for practice." This time I was glaring at him.

How dare him to compare me with his daughter.

"Guess what ,I hate her already!" I stated and his chaped lips broke into a smirk," oh, trust me young master, your parents have another plans for that."

"Oh, yeah and I would've  known, but not now, tell my dear father that I'm getting a off day today, I'm going out with my friends." I said while undoing my gloves and he just rolled his eyes at my words.

I threw the boxing gloves and went out from the gym.

I was on my way to my room, when I heard something dropped from the kitchen, I went to the direction of my kitchen, but my steps halted when I saw the very scene unfolding before me.

"HOW DARE YOU TO DATE YOUR OWN BOSS'S WIFE, YOU BASTARD!" my dad shouted on the top of his lungs, to uncle parks way.

"Calm do-"

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