chapter 35

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Kang y/n's pov
V's office room (9:03 am)

"I'm so-" but before I could say anything, I found myself to be pushed on that very glass table, and a pair of soft lips were moving with mine, very hungrily. It was so heated .

The kiss went on, with us wrapped in each others arms, comfortably.

I hitted his chest, because by the time I was lacking for oxygen, and he understood. His lips left my swollen lips just in time. We both were panting for our lives.

I putted my forehead on his shoulder, and wrapped my arms on his waist, still panting. He also tighten his arms around me.

"That was so hot y/n. That WAS SO FUCKING HOT Y/N!" He cupped my face in his larger than life palms, and screamed in joy, all while looking into my eyes. I gave him a toothy grin.

"We have to eat taehyung-ssi." I stated.

"Each other?" He asked.

And my whole happy wibes was thrown away when I found him controlling his smile, at the comment he happily made. I smacked him and took two steps away from him.

"Yah, kim taehyung ssi ! I meant food, okay. I brought you , your breakfast. "
I said while buttoning this god damn buttons of my shirt.

I heard him taking a long breath. " Okay, let's go then." He said taking my hands.

he was practically dragging me with him. "Taehyung-ssi my hairs!" I protested. "He shook his head, and we passed the grinning irene.

I could only nod my head as a thank you for whatever she did. And she throws me a double thumbs-up.

He opened the elevator. And the elevator was closed with my back stick with it and him hovering over me. His both palms were beside my head, caging me under him.

He was staring at me, then he smirked. I gasped at him ."what?" I voiced out my confusion. "Were you jealous?" He asked and I felt my heart skipped a beat.

" N-no."

"You sure?"

"Yes." Then suddenly the elevator dinged and I was in his arms. And he settled me beside him ,he wrapped his one arm around my waist.

I watched a lean and decent man stepped in the elevator, he was handsome. I can't help but to blush as his eyes met mine.

We stare at each other, maybe for some second, and we heard someone clearing his throat- "God, Kim taehyung. " I muttered under my breath.

As the other man just punched a button and the elevator was close again, with three people this time.

"Morning, Mr Kim. " the man bowed at taehyung, meanwhile him, he wasn't even sparing any glance at him, but he nodded at the greeting.

"Ms kang. " the man bowed at me too. And I wanted to bow at him too, shocked at how he knows my name ,but the man beside me ,didn't let me do it. I awkwardly said hi to him.

"How are you sir?" The poor man tried to make a small conversation. Taehyung didn't budged a bit. So, I smiled at the stranger and answered, "he's good Mr.."

"Cha eunwoo, mam."

"Yeah, he's good Mr cha. " I said as politely I could say.

The elevator dinged again and we were at the ground floor of the building. The man bid us this adieu, and took his steps somewhere. While we went to which seemed like a cafeteria.

"Wo-AH ." I. Was. About to fall. But he saved me from falling. He's arms  actually.

"Oh, God." I sighed as I stand straight, only to see the people who were eating now were staring at me or maybe us. "Ah, its you shoelace y/n."

And before I could say anything, he kneeled down and was doing my shoelace, and the cafeteria turned silent, maybe because it was the first time they were watching thuer rude boss to do something like this for a girl.

"And done. " he announced and he was up on his feet. And he looked at me with smile, and I was standing there freeze on my spot. "Let's go." He said very lowly.

And as we were walking, I felt all the eyes on us again ,and unconsciously my hands flew for his, and he locked our fingers, while looking at the people, and meanwhile I saw that wherever he was running his eyes, with a blank face, people averted thier eyes from us.

The power this man holds!

We came face to face to ,what looks like a separate food cabin, for him. There was only one chair in there.

he comfortably sat on the chair, and I was frowning from the confusion, at if I was gonna stand there, or I should go and check if any other chair isn't taken now, and take that freaking chair her to sit with him.

He scoffed at my frowned face and pulled me and I landed on his lap sideways,  while my hands resting on his chest, and my lips apart and my eyes were probably wide as a soccer ball.

"W- what are you doing?" I whispered. "What?" He asked too innocently. And kissed my temple.

I rolled my eyes at him. And I tried to climb off his lap but he pulled me more, and I was settled on his lap.

"Now what?" I asked pouting, my hands were snaked around his neck. And his were on my waist to steady me. He just shrugged his shoulder, while giving me a smirk.

"Taehyung sshi, tell me about piper."


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