chapter 65

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Kim taehyung's pov
At his office (2:30 pm)

I don't know why I was in my office today, but I was here to do some work about my company but my mind .....was always on y/n.

She hasn't woken up from her coma. Doctors always says she doing fine, her vitals are good..and I'll always ask one question, 'then why the hell she's not waking up.'

And there won't be any answers for my questions. I rubbed my hands on my face, I was getting tired of everything.

That bastard got his hearings, it only gave him prison for his lifetime, and no..I wasn't satisfied by that I wanted him dead, by any mean.

"Sir.." Kevin the new PA, knocked on my door. I gave him my attention. "Come in. " I allowed him to come in.

He was a blonde, tall man in his mid 20s..a mix breed. He told me that his father was Korean while his mother was a petite blonde American woman.

It was a benefit though..since he knew both Korean and English well.

"Sir,  the Japanese market has raised its percent in marketing of our sell. While the south east countries are having the same rates." He read the report I asked him to bring from our marketing director.

"Hmm...OK, you may leave now."I ordered him, after bowing once he left the office.

I was just about to read the rest of the file but my phone started ringing..I answer it without even glancing at the name, flashing on it.

"Hello?" I ask the person.

"Taehyung-ah!" It's seokjin hyung.

"Yes ,hyung. " I replied.

"Tae-tae, y/n..." he said .

"What happened to her ...Hyung?" I asked him in panic.

"You have to come to the hospital first."

"I'm on my way, hyung."

15 minutes later
At the hospital (2:45 pm)

I parked my car in hurry and ran towards the hospital, I went to straight to her room, where I know she was from asthma two weeks.

I  was greated by my almost every family member.

"W-what's going on?" I whispered as they all faced me.

"Hyung...answer me!" Thier silence was leading my mind to every bad scenarios.

"Y/n..has woken up, but-" rm Hyung started but he paused.

"But what Hyung?!" I almost screamed at him in frustration.

"She's asking for you taehyung, she's just crying continuesly."

I took a deep breath. "I'll go and check on her."I whispered.

" careful, okay." He warned me .

I  nodded anyways, not knowing why he was warning me.

Her room has became familiar to me since it was like a second home to me , since I've spent every night here, staring at her sleeping figure.

When I entered her room, she was really crying. Her face was full of tears.

She was still in her that fucking hospital gown, but she didn't have those wires and tubes piercing in her skin.

She was fine....

"No! You don't understand...I want him here with him or do something!" She exclaimed to a nurse who was trying to calm her down.

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