chapter 55

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Kim taehyung's pov
Jungkook's house (8:21 pm)

I can't believe, my fiancé was the same woman I wanted to spent my life with.

Like ofcourse I have to propose her, but still I'm liking this love come arrange marriage too much. She's my fiance now, everyone!

I was watching her from the distance, she was dancing with her dada. She was looking like an angel, like she is.

I heard someone clearing their throat, that came from beside me, I moved my head to see who it was, but once I saw the person I rolled my eyes out of annoyance.

"Don't you bloody roll you eyes on me, my to be son-in-law." He smirked.

"Yeah, master woo, now should I call you my to be father-in-law, huh?" I teased him back.

He snarled, his eyes were set on my dancing beauty, she was looking so happy in her father's arms.

But trust me she would look happier in my arms.

"Ooh, now who's that beauty. " came a voice behind me. His face was leaning between mine and master woo's.

Yeah, the one and only Jackson Wang.

"My daughter. "

"My fiance. "

We answered at the same time.

And then we glared at each other, why this has to be happen.



it was jin hyung, who winked at me, and I smiled in return. 

Jackson went there, and I sighed in relief.

"Let's put everything aside Tata, now, I'm going to give my daughter's life in your hands, you better protect it with your own life." He said I soften immediately.

"Oooh, father instincts are kicking, huh?" I said while pinching his both cheeks.

"Y-yah, kim taehyung, keep your hands to yourself, okay." He said, while pulling my hands from his cheeks.

See, he was too cute.

"Hmm, you don't have to stress about    y/n's safety, I'll protect her at any cost."
I promised him with a soft smile.

He returned the smile, but then he sobered up quickly, "well, I'm not gonna threaten you, 'if you hurt her I'll cut your balls and fed it your own dog' , I've trained her to beat the opposite gender into pulp." He again smirked.

My lips parted Slightly, as I watched my fiance, who was telling her dada something, but I never doubted her,and never will.

I turned to him to say something but when I opened my mouth-

"Only if she's pregnant she won't do something to you, that I can guarantee you." He said I  a sassy way.

"Why?"I questioned.

"I don't know, she said it herself. " he shrugged.

I nodded and then again ,I found myself drowning in her beauty.

Kang y/n's pov
On Dance floor (8:20 pm)

Lisa's baby shower was done peaceful and beautifully, she was looking stunning as always, even in her now 8 and a half months pregnant Belly.

Yeah, it was kinda late to have baby shower but, I think it was the parents decision after all to do it, so who we are to question it.

I was dancing with my dada, with a beautiful song in the background, the song was really mesmerizing.

"Can't believe you'll be married, baby girl. " Dada said, I can tell he was getting emotional.

I just nodded and smiled at him.

I was wondering if I should tell him the 'thing ' or not.

I took a deep breath looking on the ground, and then I looked up at his beautifully eyes, "Dada, I think I'm pregnant. " I whispered.

"W-what?" He asked in pure shockness.

I nodded again, positively.

"But, you said, you think y/n, are sure about it or not." He quizzed.

"I'm sure dada." I finally told him, what I was only holding to myself.

"Omo! Oh my- oh god y/n, I'm so happy y/n." He said again getting emotional and kissed my forehead.

"Does taehyung knows about it?" He asked.

I nodded twice, in a negative way.


"I don't want to ruin everything,  whatever is happening right now is good dada. I-i have to accept it first, before I tell him the news." I thought I was going to break down, right there.

"Hmm, it's totally your choice y/n, but if trys to abandon you or the kids, you know what to do right?" He playfully, to lighten the mood.

"Ofcourse dada, I know, after all I was my father's favorite student, he has taught me well." I replied, playfully.

And then just in time we heard the music stopped and someone was checking the mic.

Oh, it's hobi oppa.

"So, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to thank you for attending the party, or gala or baby shower or whatever. Oh, well- I can't believe my youngest brother is going to be a father now, so jungkook and Lisa congratulations kids.
And uh, I'm not good at speeches-

"Who asked you to give a speech, anyways."

"I'll let it slide this time, hyung. So, where I was ,oh yeah, so kookie be a good father to your kid and share your banana milk with him or her." He finished his little speech and people clapped.

And then namjoon ssi took the mic.

"Yeah, and also a announcement everyone, I would like to say that taehyung might be the youngest out of me and jin hyung, but he's the strongest. And well just like kook, and jin hyung his marriage is also arranged to his own girlfriend. " He paused.

"Um, it's a long story, but I would like to say that y/n, I must be really rude to you at the start but.....welcome to the family y/n." He flashed me his infamous dimpled smile.

I was in tears, for what , I don't know.

So, I also gave him a smile, with my teary eyes.

"Aaaahhhhhhhhhh." Someone's familiar scream boomed in the room.

Every eyes turned to find, a struggling Lisa.

"My waTeR BROKE!" she somehow finished her, sentence and everyone ran towards her.

"SOMEONE CALL THE AMBULANCE PLEASE." jungkook shouted panicky.

I checked her vitals. "Omo, no there's no time for ambulance , can anybody drive the cars faster?" I asked my eyes roaming to each faces.

"Yes, I can." Came another familiar voice, Carter Olympus.


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