chapter 60

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"Oh yeah, i have your precious girlfriend with me, tied in a chair in front of me."

Kim taehyung's pov
A few hours ago-

"Oh, finally we've landed." Jungkook sighed.

I was happy too, but my soul wasn' mind was stuck on y/n.

She has never done anything like this. She has always answered my phone calls and texts but today she wasn't doing it.

She didn't picked up her phone, neither Philip. And my heart wasn't having guts were telling me this is not right.

"Yeah, yeah." Said suga hyung.

"Okay, boys, car's here. Let's go we have work to do." Namjoon hyung said as he walked past me towards the black SUV, which were supposed to take us, to our hotel rooms.

We all settled in two suv and we drove to our destination.

In no time we arrived there, The hotel was big but I have seen bigger. The room were cleaner though.

I just came from the shower, still in my towel, my hands went to my phone, which was laying on the king size bed.

My hands were mindlessly fiddling with my phone.

Then I went to get cloth and emerged to Jungkook's room.

He was setting his device to life, it was like a tracking system for unknown phone numbers.

He always carry those things with him.
It was the Time we decided to track down bogum, all the members came through Jungkook's room.

He started his work, when I got a phone call. It was a private number.

ring went like two times and then i picked the call. "Hello? Who's this?"

"It's me taehyungie." A voice replies.

"Shit," i cursed, recognizing the voice."you better be calling me with a purpose, Bogum. " i said .

If he's calling me then definitely something is wrong, he'd never called me before ,maybe he knows we are here to track him down-

"Oh yeah, i have your precious girlfriend with me, tied in a chair in front of me."

And with those words my whole world shattered. I couldn't get a hold of myself to say anything to him.

"No! No, no, that's not possible. You are in Vietnam, she's in Korea you can't-"

"And who says I'm in Vietnam." He paused to laugh. "I didn't thought this idiot of you." He chuckled.

"You fucking-"

"Ooh, still the tiger I see. Oh, and taehyungie, you girl looks delicious with split lips. "

I closed my eyes in frustration. The tension in the room was something else.

I can feel thier eyes on me, probably from curiosity..

"You touched her" I whispered, "YOU FUCKING TOUCHED HER! HOW DARE YOU?!" He was right I had became a tiger, and I am going to destroy every piece in his body, with my bare hands.

"Yeah, I did. But unfortunately not in another way," he admitted shamelessly, "but taehyungie, what I was supposed to do? She was threatening me with your name." He talked in a child like manner. He was mocking her.

"Oh, yeah. Just try and touch her, and I'll rip your fucking existence from the face of this earth. It's a promise park."
My voice was so dark that it was unrecognizable for me too.

"Oh my god! I'm so scared." He said dramatically. "But for that Mr Kim you have to come and get me, which will take alot of time and which....will give me enough time to play with this doll." He might be touching her again, I could here her muffled voice.

"You fucking- it was a war between us why your dragging her in between?" I shot the question. He was distracted, her voice stopped.

"Hmm, yes, it is . But who cares when you can get a girl like her. Ooh, I wonder what she's hiding under that white shirt of hers." He seems like he was talking with himself.

"Don't you dare-" I was about to curse again but namjoon hyung stopped me by touching my arms, I knew it was him. He took the phone from my hold and press it on his ears to hear what the hell was going on.

He then putted it on speaker.

"-but I'll tell you otherwise, I'm somewhere ,where you can find me or not. It's in your hands taehyung , save her or give up." And then the call was cut.

I ran my fingers between my hairs. I had mixed emotions that time , I was frustrated and angered at the same time.

"And when were you going to tell us?" Jin hyung voiced his thoughts.

"I didn't knew okay! I didn't-" the helpless in me couldn't let me finish my words.

I planted myself on the bed. I sat there with my head in my hands.

"No, I can't just sit here and do nothing. I'm going back to Seoul. "I said and went to my room to collect whatever the document will take to get me back to Korea.

I was just about to book a flight ticket to go, but namjoon hyung and all the members came in the room.

" you think you will fight for her alone? Even if you think we won't let you fight alone, we're in this together with you taehyung. " He said and I went to hug him.

And slowly all the members came and it turned into a group hug.

No, a family hug.

"Okay, boys let's go, we have work to do." Namjoon hyung commanded.

Yes, I was the leader after my father but when a situation like this came, when my mind stop working, namjoon hyung always got my back.

We moved quickly at his command.

" Josh, we want our jet ready, immediately. " I call the agent, who was assigned for it.

"On it ,sir." He said and I hang up.

"Jisoo, I want all the ladies, I repeat all the ladies in v's mansion. I don't care where they are, working or not, I want them all there.....We got an emergency,....yeah, we're coming back to Korea......I'll explain it later.....and also call y/n's parents and tell them to come there also...and tell then to bring hana too.....I said I'll tell you later." Jin hyung told all this things to jisoo through the phone.

Soon, we boarded the plane and we took off.

"Hyung can you give me the number, he called you from. " jungkook said, I looked at him he was setting his laptop with some devices.

"It was a private number, kook." I said with a sigh.

"Okay, then give me your phone. " He demanded. And for me i did as he told me.

When he got my phone he started to furiously typing on his laptop.

" everything will be okay, tae." Jimin said while placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, try to not stress yourself. "Yoongi hyung said.

"Guys I have to tell you something. " I took a deep breath before dropping the news .

"Y/n, well she's pregnant. " and Jungkook's typing stopped with that, and silence was in the atmosphere.

"It means we have to save two lives now. " Namjoon hyung speak to himself.

"Also, don't tell him about that even by mistake too, it can be harmful for y/n, and for your baby too." Hoseok hyung said ,worriedly.

"Oh, and by the way congratulations, your gonna be a father, huh?" Jimin tried to light the situation.

"Hopefully. " I said sighing again.

And after that no one said anything, it was pure silence.

TO BE CONTINUED.............

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