chapter 13

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kang Y/n's POV
Seoul heart hospital (8:30 pm)

I was back from my meeting with Mr Kim. I was engaged with my work, when I heard faint knocks on my cabin's door. I didn't looked up and said 'come in' to whoever it was.

I heard the door opened and I looked up just to see the person whom I hate the most. He smirked at me. "get out."
I said for once and get back to what I was doing before. But I could see, from the corner of my eyes, he was still there .

He folded his hands on his chest, and tilted his head. "well, hellow to you too y/n. " he said and I threw my pen in frustration and it landed on the floor.

"and, what the hell you want? " I asked him angrily. His widened smirk wasn't helping my temper.

He leaned on my table, which made us eye to eye level. "what I want? " he purred, and I was only glaring at him with blank face. He chuckled slowly,

"you know what I want y/n, don't you? " he whispered to me.

I took a deep breath and stood up, and made my way to the doors and held it open, "as I said, just. Get. out. "
I said as calmly as I could that time.

Because trust me, people don't wanna know how short temper I'm when it comes to a morons like him.

"still not a talking people, I see. " he chuckled humourlesly, nodding his head when he comes closer to me. He was taller than me, so he was looking down at me.

He sighed before saying "see, y/n, I just want your forgiveness -" this time I chuckled humourlesly, "you want my forgiveness?  For what exactly Huh? Tell me lee!" I  yelled.

"it wasn't me y/n, it never was me, trust me it was j-" I gestured him to stop, and surprisingly he obeyed me. "do you really think, I want to know what I know already ? "

his face palled, "yeah, I knew it wasn't you, it was my sister and blah blah blah. But I know one more thing is, that you fucking gave her hope to do all that things which you both have shouldn't. It was In your hands ,you could have  stop the things before it happens, but no, you let it happen, and what were the conclusion? the friendship which our parents held for the bloody 28 years, it went all ruined, why? Because of YOU and MY STUPID SISTER. "

I was panting from rage, I took deap breath and closed my eyes, I reopened them, was staring at him, his face was still paled."do you even know, what day it is today? " I said coldly, almost emotiolessly. He looked at the floor ,"guess ,there's nothing to talk, just go."

He went out, I sighed , and i don't know why, but my gut feeling was telling me to go out, so I quickly took my backpack and went out after closing the door behind me.

Unwanted tears filled my eyes, my hands were on the knob still, I unwantedly let out a sob, I wiped my tears quickly and I turned around to go downstairs but.....

An unexpected person was there, staring at me with so much confusion in his eyes, "Mr Kim? " I whispered , with wide eyes. He was still staring at me, then he blinked twice before  handling me something, it was my necklace with a ring. My grandpa's ring.


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