chapter 59

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I think the longest chapter but the important chapter of this book.

Kang y/n's pov
Somewhere in south Korea

I don't know where this men were taking me ,my eyes were still tied with the black fold.

I can feel the vehicle moving. And that was it, I was helpless.

One man was sitting on my left side, and the another one was on my right.

"Did boss told you, where this bitch is meant to be kept?" Maddie asked, I believe.

"Don't know dude, boss is a fucking maniac sometimes. " the other one said .

I gasped mentally. He sounds so dangerous, why they are taking me to their boss?

"Hmm, let's keep her in 42, it will be good for her."  The same man said, whom name I couldn't have find yet.

"Don't you think Korean girls are the beauties. " maybe it was Maddie.

He started to touch my legs. And I cursed my self as I chose to wear taehyung's shirt and put a belt on my waist, to make it look like a shirt dress atleast.

Now I regret this. I regret everything.

"Hey! Don't forget we are not allowed to touch her." The unnamed scolded his mate for touching me, while slapping his hands away from my thigh.

I released a sigh of relief.

"Oh, com'on Tony, you're no fun, man!" Maddie whined like a child.

"You fucking- I don't want any loss of money boss is gonna give us. So stop doing irrelevant things. " Tony who was the unnamed man earlier, hissed.

"Yeah, whatever. " Maddie huffed.

And suddenly I felt a pinch on my neck.

And then the ride went silent, only my loud breathing was heard in the atmosphere.


I didn't know i was out for how long, until I was woken up when someone threw ice water on me.

I jolted awake by it. My body was aching, soon i realized that I was tied in a wooden chair, with ropes running around my whole body.

"Aww, is my baby girl is awake now." Someone said from somewhere.

I snapped my head towards the voice, I was still in that stupid black fold,  my eyes weren't allowed to see anything.

I started to struggle with my weak body.

And his laughter was boomed in the air. "Ooh, look, look, little tigress is trying to free herself, but...." and suddenly the owner of the voice was in front of me, I could feel him, his was breathing on my face.

"Who's gonna tell her ,she's not going anywhere." He whispered in my ears. And moved back.

His voice sends shivers to my spine, but in disgust.

"Oh yeah? You think you can bring me here by kidnapping me, and you'll be free out of any trouble,'re absolutely wrong sir. My boyfriend or should I say my fiance, you clearly don't know him, he will make you suffer till your last breath if you do anything with me." I tried to warn him, I could still feel him near me.

I was confident it'll scare him away destiny has written something else in my luck.

I heard his footsteps were fading and a new footstep came in the room.

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