chapter 64

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Two days later

Kang y/n's pov
At the hospital (5:02 pm)

Where was I?

Am I in a garden?

My head was hurting really badly. I was sitting on the ground with my hands on my aching head, and soon I tried to stand up.

"Eomma?" Someone called from afar.

"Eomma?" I whispered to myself. It must be hana, and I tried to find that voice.

But I stumbled within my first steps.

"Eomma?" That voice again called.

I was confused, it wasn't hana's voice, it was a boy's voice.

"W-who, who's this?"I tried and called out for that voice.

"I'm your son ,eomma." That voice boomed in the atmosphere.

"My-my son?" I whispered.

"Yes eomma. " that voice said.

"But I don't have any-"

"You could have had me eomma."

"Wh-what do you mean?" I asked him, I was getting frustrated.

"You lost me eomma, you couldn't save me."

It was my baby boy, and I lost him.

"Then how are  you talking to me?" I whispered, my eyes were becoming teary with each words.

"Because I love you." There was pause ," and tell noona and appa that I also love them, arasso eomma?" And I couldn't say anything but I nodded my head eagerly.

I can't see him but his voice was there with me, ofcourse he loves me and his family.

"I have to go eomma." He said.

"Wh-why?! No! You can't go!" I Exclaimed.

"I have to eomma, but I promise I'll come back to you. " He promised and the voice disappeared.

"Son! Son!" I screamed in a hope that his voice will come again, but there wasn't any response.

And I laid there crying at his adieu.

"Y/n! Baby!" It was taehyung, my taehyung.

I  felt like my body was being pulled by some power just by hearing his voice.

The lights from the atmosphere was disappearing slowly.

"Doctor! " his voice boomed again, and I felt like I can sleep well.

Kim taehyung's pov
At the hospital (5:10 pm)

She was moving after this whole two days .

She was breathing after this whole two days.

But her eyes weren't open yet.

Her movements became faster with each second.

I called the doctor.

"Sir, you have to leave ." A doctor said trying to take care of the situation.

"No! I'm not leaving. "

He sighed. And I went to a corner of the room.

I can see what was going on from there.

It was a complete chaos.

After some minutes and some injections she was breathing normally, like she was sleeping.

The doctors left the room, giving me a nasty look.

But who has time for that.

I went to sit beside her. The chair was surely uncomfortable.

"Baby, please come back to me." I begged her, Taking her hands in my hands.

No response, like this past two days.

I've been here this entire time. She didn't reacted to anything I said to her.

The door opened suddenly, and Lee came inside, closing the door.

He was reading something on the paper which was clipped in the cardboard.

He then noticed my stare on him, cause he stopped few steps away from her bed and looked at me.

"Mr. K-kim? " He asked in hurry.

I only nodded once. "Sir, you should-"

"Mind your damn business, Lee."I snapped at him.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. But like-can we talk?" He said hesistantly.

I raised my eyebrow at him.

"I mean, it's about y/n." I nodded twice, sighing. "You can start speaking. " I ordered, my eyes on y/n.

"She.....she had a seizure, Mr Kim. "

And that broke me.

"B-but that's a good side too. She might wake up from her coma, sooner than expected. " He added.

I sighed, and kissed her temple.

"Fine." I nodded at him.

"Yeah, I'll um...I'll leave now."

"You better. "


A/n: so...ugh, another short amd filler chapter. Buuuuuut I promise I'll update with a long and important chapter after this ....

-your chingu 😉

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