chapter 61

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A/n's pov-
After six hours

Y/n was kept in the darkness. No source of light, slumped and tied in that wooden chair, with her mouth closed with a cloth.

She was hungry, she was thirsty. But those weren't her concerns. Her concern was taehyung, her love, her fiance, whom she wasn't sure, how he was going to find her.

Slowly she was losing her sense to think anything, the only source of escaping was a iron door, which was closed by park bogum.

She was drained out of energy, her head was hung low, she couldn't even raise it up.

Suddenly she heard the door being opened.

But it didn't closed.

"Oh, so you're still concius, I see." He chuckled, while coming to her way.

"Now, look at me baby girl. " He commanded.

With all the energy she has with her body, she raised her head to see his evil face.

He smirked at her. "Guess what? I have some information about you. "He informed her.


"That.....your little fiance is searching for you."

She had her hopes again.

"And might be pregnant. " with that he started to untie her.

She had no idea how he managed to have the last information, she didn't told anyone about this except for taehyung and possibly her parents.


"You don't have to worry about it, just enjoy the show." He said with  greeted teeth. He yanked her from her chair and led somewhere.

And suddenly her face was in the water. Bogum held her head by her nape, and was drowning her head in the water.

He held her there for some second them brought her back to the air.

She was gasping , like her life was depending on it.

"What did you thought hm? That I'll not know, about your baby game." He again drowned her head in the water.

This time he held her there for a bit longer.

"Do you think I'll let go you and your baby?" He paused to laugh. "No, baby girl, your baby is like a jackpot for me, first I'll kill it then I'll kill you. " He whispered in her ear from behind.

Shivers of fears ran to her spine.

Tears of fears sprang in her eyes.

"NO! NO, please don't my child- y-you can do a-anything with me but-but not my child, please. " she begged him, she was on her knees with her hands clasped in front of her.

He again smirked at her venerable state.

"Oh, yeah, anything with you, hm?"

Then she know how much of a bad idea it was.

She gulped, "yes anything with me ." She said ,her outer look was looking brave but only her soul and God knew she was shivering from fear inside.

"So, as you're on your knees now,  give me a blow job, baby girl. " He whispered.

A stray tear rolled down to her cheek.

"It's you or your child. " He reminded her.

She was about to say no, but deep down she knew if she had to do it to save her unborn innocent baby, she would do it in a heart beat.

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