chapter 45

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Kang y/n's pov
Her home (8:32 pm)


Thats how I was feeling now, at one side he was lying to me this entire time, and at the second side, he has seen how his mother betrayed him and his family , and how his father suicided after that.

" conclusion, taena is that unborn baby, my mother's and uncles park's unholy blood." His voice was so void of any emotion through this entire time, just like his face. He didn't showed any emotion at that either.

"You know when I hold her the first time, even before my any brothers or even her own mother." This time a faint smile was swimming on his lips.

"She was trying to touch my face, and you know what she did when she really touched it?" He threw this question towards me. And I shook my head once, watching him smiling at the memories of his baby sister.

" she smiled. And that stupid smile of hers felt like it was a ultimatum, that Kim taehyung ,if you'll do something to wipe this smile off my face ,I'll kick your ass." And he chuckled at his own words, so did I.

He took my hands in his hands. "She's close to everyone in that house, but she's closer to me. Namjoon hyung and jin hyung wasn't there when she was a new born. But for my rescue shina noona was there, she took care of her and the whole house. And then my brothers came along ."

He sighed. And looked at me."You know , her first word was even oppa, and it was for me, not for my any other brothers, but for me. And that day I became the one lucky man in this world." He sighed again.

"But then....if God gives you one reason to be happy, he gives you thousands reason to feel misery. " he whispered.

"Park bogum came into the picture out of nowhere. We weren't sure what he was trying to do that time. But then we found out that he wanted to claim taena. But because of namjoon hyung, we saved her from that beast." He closed his eyes as he finished his sentence.

"Since he wanted to harm our sister, we all came up with a team. And we became bangtan. And our only motive is to find Park bogum. And not only for taena but now we have other reasons to catch him. Killed or either alive." He said ,his voice was laced with anger.

He sighed. And putted his head on my shoulder. And I brought my hand to hold him by his shoulder and one hand to pat his head.

"It's alright babe. Everything's gonna be okay. Hmm?" I said ,trying not to burst into tears. His life hasn't been fair to him neither his family. And on the top of that my sister has done her job perfectly as gasoline.

And him with his head on my chest and my arms around him, we fell asleep that night. To prevent all the negative thoughts.

Next day
Y/n's house ( 7:30 am)

A bit steamy 🔥

I woke up when I felt something wet on my neck. I adjusted my eyes to the shining sunrays, only to let out a moan as he planted a hicky on my neck. He looked at me as moaned ,he just smirked, while moving down to my chest.

He unbuttoned my- his shirt to reveal my bare chest to him, he looked at me once And as he was about to put his mouth on my nipple, his phone started ringing.

"Ugh, damnit!" He cursed loudly at his phone before picking it up. And I rolled my eyes sitting up on the bed while buttoning the shirt.

I can't believe this man's duality, he was so stressed yesterday night, and this morning he was all ready to suck my skin .

"God, Kim taehyung. " I muttered under my breath and went towards the bathroom, to do my morning routine.

And he.....well he was off somewhere talking to the person who had called him this early.

I was stripping my clothes for a quick shower when the door of my precious bathroom was boomed by my man.

"What -"

"I didn't said I was done there y/n."
He said while undressing himself which each clothes he had on.

I pursed my lips, oh Kay then I don't have a option.

"Fine, let's shower together then." I declared while discarding my clothes and going under the shower head.

"You coming or- " I was cutted off by his kiss, my back was now resting on the wall while he assaulted my lips with his own. Then he smiled and I did it too.

And that very moment I knew that I loved this man.....more than anything. Maybe more than park seo joon too.

"I love you."

"I love you."

We both blurted out at the same time when he spared my lips. We stared at each other, drowning in the bliss.

"You do?" He asked in disbelief.

"Yes , I do." And I answered in pure belief.

He hands cupped my face and a smile was shared by both.

"Oh my god ,y/n- " he cutted himself by kissing me in pure hunger. But somehow I flipped us both, and maybe he was shocked, because he broke the kiss and looked at me with a frown.

I didn't thought anything as I got on my knees staring at him, and he realized what was going to happen there.

I averted my eyes from him to his Jr. ,"you don't have to-" I cutted him off in between.

"No, let me taehyung. "

At my request he closed his eyes and exhale before opening his eyes , his hand gathered my hair in what looked liked a ponytail, he smirked.

"Your wish is my command, my queen."

TO BE CONTINUED.............

A/N'S things :

*clears throat* uh well......

~•Oh my ,oh my ,oh my god
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Your Chingu 😉

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