chapter 17

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Kang y/n's POV
Y/n's house Seoul (6:30 am)

"Hana, com'on baby, wakey wakey. " I said in my baby voice to my sleeping beauty. While pulling her blanket from her sleeping body. She whines.

"Eomma.... " she whined more saying it and snuggling into her Mr bear.

"okay, then I'll eat your all Choco chip pancakes. " I said as I saw her sitting on the bed with wide eyes. I smiled. "I'm up Eomma. " she said as she rubbed her eyes, with her cute, small palms.

"okay, now come. It's time for bath. " she smiled lazily as I grabbed her from her armpits and pull her to me, she cling into me like a koala she is.

It's her favorite by the way. She nuzzled her face in the crook of my neck. I chuckled at her doings. Well, she's not a morning person.

After giving her the bath for 15 minutes, all by myself. I dressed her up in a cute little dress. And I did her hair into space buns and we went to the kitchen.

"okay, princess, now the brakefast you loved the most. " she clasped as I putted a whole plate of her favorite pancakes in front of her."com'on dig in. " I said nodding towards the pancakes. And she did so.

After she finished her brakefast, I took her to the Mimi's house. Since I have a 'meeting ' with Mr Kim, I can't let her come with me.

I rung the doorbell of her house, and after doing it twice, she came out.... With a towel wrapped around her damp figure.

I widen my eyes and putted my palms over Hana's eyes, shielding them. "the hell Mimi!" I yelled at her, and she just rolled her eyes . And on the other side, Hana was trying to remove my hand from her eyes.

"Hana, stop it. " and she stopped her doings. I shook my head at her, then I brought my attention to Mimi again. "can you please go, and put some clothes. " I said in purely disgust.

"oh, I can do that. " she closed her door on litteraly our face and I guess she went to hunt some clothes for her. I removed my hands from her eyes, finally.

"Eomma? "she said looking at me. Oh, no-one likes to get scolded over some stupid reason "um, sorry baby, but I have to do that." I said as crouched down, and cupped her cheeks . She was looking down with her cute pout.

I sighed but a idea popped up in my mind. "so..... Aquarium or park? " I said searching for her eyes. And as expected her eyes brighten up as she looked up, directly in my eyes.

"the first one ! "she exclaimed hugging me. I rocked her back and forth. "okay we'll go there. " I said as I kissed her forehead and stood up.

After some time Mimi come again but this time she had putted her clothes. "oh thank god! " I sighed dramatically.
"alright , now momma have to go and.... Be a good girl. Okay. " I said once again kissing her forehead. I chuckled as I heard her saying 'okay Eomma'!. With that I left.

Kim Taehyung's house
( 11: 05 am)

I sighed as I rang thier house. I was 5 minutes, late. Littraly.

"oh, welcome miss kang. " says a little too bright Shina as she opened the doors for me. I smiled at her. "well, thank you. " I said as I finally entered the house.

I should do it quickly. "um, if you don't mind, can I ask you, where's mr Kim? " I asked her in my calm tone, politely.

She got nervous, I thought." ah, he's in a meeting I guess?" she answered but it sounds like a question than a answer. I looked at her with the same expression as she was looking at me now. Perplexed. I gave her a awkward smile. "Dr Unnie?!" chirped a little voice.

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