chapter 31

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Kang y/n's pov
Her home, Seoul (7:01 pm)

I closed my door. I could sense it that he was just behind me, watching my every move. Suddenly I started feeling nervous. I took a deep breath, okay, all you have to do is, just count 3 and turn. 1....2....3.....turn.

With that I turned slowly. And he was, dressed in grey hoodie, skinny black jean and denim jacket. Wearing white sneakers which completed his casual look.

But what took my breath away was , his bike . Yeah, there wasn't any car this time ,it was his bike on which he was leaning a bit. A black classic Harley Davidson. Oh, I like it.

I walked towards him, my eyes never leaving the classic beauty in front of me. He moved a bit ,and came behind me. All his moments were unknown by me ,Beacuse my focus was now on something else.

I touched the bike. "Its beautiful. " I whispered. "So, do you." He whispered from behind me, in my ears. I softly gasped as I felt his hot breath near my neck.

He brought his hands to rest on my waist. The touch was really light, but I melted in his touch. My eyes went closed in the moment.

"Shall we go?" He whispered, again. I could only nod at his soft words. He let go of me . I was already missing his warmth.

Kim taehyung's pov
Y/n's home (7:01 pm)

There she was , closing her house's door. Her back was facing me ,but I could see what she was wearing. Denim jeans, white tank top and a see trough perple jacket thingy.

She finally turned, and she watched my look a bit before falling her eyes on my baby .

I wasn't confident about the bike. Because honestly the girls I know are horrified by bikes. But I thought I could take a risk with her ,by bringing my classic beauty.

I was glad when her eyes sparkled, touching the leather seat. I was behind her, teasing her physically.

"Shall we go?" I whispered in her ears. She only nodded and I smirked at the results of what I was doing with her. I stood beside her, taking the extra helmet I brought, specially for her. It was nothing special, but it was painted in my favorite color, purple.

I gave her It, she was perplexed at the sight of helmet. It was like she forgot what to do with it , she was staring at the helmet in her hands.

And only me and God knows how cute she was looking right now. I chuckled as I took it back from her hands, while her big doe eyes watching my every action in curiosity.

"It's for your safety, y/n." I putted the helmet on her head, and it took me by surprise as I took her first name for the first time.

She stare at me as I did my work , settling the helmet on her head safely. "What about you?" She asked tilting her head a bit. I smirked, and I took my own black helmet from it place and showed it to her .

She suppressed her smile while rolling her eyes. "Now, hop on." I was done with our both's helmet, ready to go to our destination.

"Okie." She chuckled as I hoped on it first and she followed me. "Where are we going?" She asked once we were off to the silk roads.

No one was in the highway. It was empty tonight, just for us.

"Somewhere." I Exclaimed, as I increased the speed. She tighten her arms around my waist, in fear. She rested her chin on my shoulder.

The sensation I was feeling from her touch right now, was something else. It was never experienced before. But, somehow I was glad it was from her.

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