chapter 66

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A/n's pov
20 days later

'The famous criminal in town right now, park bogum has successfully fooled the police and system as he has now ran away from the prison. "  the Korean reporter, reported.

With this news ,thier day started.

Taehyung smirked at the news which was flashing in thier LED TV. He took the remote and shut it off.

He stood from the couch and made his way towards the basement, where he was waiting for him, to get beaten up again.

He opened the lock of the door and went in, he was tied in a beaten up wooden chair.

He took a chair from the corner set it in front of his greatest enemy.

"How you doing ,bogumie?" He asked him calmly. But who knows him, they know it too , that a calm taehyung is the most dangerous taehyung.

"Oops! I forgot you can't talk now ,can you? " He said , fake laughing. And referring to the duckt tape sticking across his mouth.

"You know, the news channels are flashing the news- the false news that you have escaped from prison...but wanna know a secret?" Taehyung leaned forward on his seat, "it was me and my team, which technically helped you from this prison thing, and that too without your knowledge. " He went to his previous position on his chair.

"So.... bogumie hyung," he called him in a childlike voice. "Now, can you tell me why you did, what you did?" He said it with a aegyo, just to get on bogum's nerves.

He morphed his expression into a scary one, and ripped off the tape to let him talk.

He gasped before coughing. Taehyung was watching it with bored Expressions.

When bogum didn't stopped his coughing, taehyung took a water bottle, he unscrewed the cap and threw it on bogum's face.

He stopped his acting. Yes, park bogum was acting about his coughing, and taehyung obviously knew it.

"If you are done wasting my time, I'd like you to speak, bogum hyung. " He said in a calm voice.

"I-i" bogum started but stopped to clear his throat.

Taehyung scoffed at his manners.

"You wouldn't speak this easily, would you?! " Taehyung was frustrated by the time. Bogum flinched at his yelling.

"I beg you taeh-"

Bogum was cutted off when he felt a sharp thing cutting on his thighs.

He screamed so loudly that maybe the whole building heard it.

"Huh? You're begging me? What's when she was begging you about her life, hm?" Taehyung growled practically. Still he was carwing bounds on his thigh, he never looked at his eyes once.

"Hmm, what's when she begged you for our child, hm?!" Taehyung raised in octaves, his eyes met bogums closed eyes, he threw the knife to God knows where, and he was shivering from his own rage.

"Open your eyes hyung."He whispered, "Open your fucking eyes!" He shouted this time, Making bogum to quier in fear.

Taehyung chuckled at his torn body.

He suddenly stopped laughing, turned into a serious man. He stood up , and grabbed his head by his hair, bringing him to face him.

"Do you know how it feels when you lost someone you haven't even got to see? When you don't get to hold your unborn child in your hands. When you don't get to cherish your child's every firsts? DO YOU FUCKING KNOW IT?!" He let go his hairs as taehyung practically threw bogum's head backwards.

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