chapter 24

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Kang y/n's POV
Seoul heart hospital (8:19 pm)

I checked my wrist watch for the millionth time, and I sighed softly shaking my head. I was in my cabin, waiting for the last person I have to meet today - Mr Kim taehyung.

Yeah, I was waiting for him to come and take taena's file. My all works here, was all done by the time.

I stood up from my seat and went to the near by window of my cabin. I just stood there, gazing all the shining diamonds in the sky. It was peaceful.

Suddenly ,I heard my phone beep. I ran towards my table, thinking it could be Mr Kim though. So, as I reached my phone, I didn't checked the caller ID as I picked up the phone call.

"hello?" I said as I held my phone between my ear and my shoulder, as my hands were busy while putting all the things in my handbag.

"y/n? "the caller said, and my all movements halted, just by his voice.

"what do you want now? " I almost screamed in rage as I replaced the phone in my hand now.

"just come to my office y/n. " how dare he! How dare he to command me like that.

At that point I was boiling from anger. "how-" I was about to scream at him. But that bastard just hang up the phone call.

In all the anger, I just walked off from my cabin throwing my phone in my bag in process and taking it with me.

Soon I was in front of his office, and this time I didn't wait to knock, I just went directly in his office, just to find him staring out from his window to the city.

He stood there all calm and his peaceful glory. " how dare you to command me like that!" I yelled at him, panting in my Anger. And I could see he was smirking. This bloody shit!

Kim Taehyung's POV
Seoul heart hospital ( 8:25 pm)

So, I was here for two things now - one because of taena and two because of Ms kang.

Yeah, when namjoon hyung crack the news about being him here, I was only seeing red that time. But, ofcourse he was there to put some sanity in me.

I worked on it, like I found a video footez from the hospital regarding him , and in the clip it was very obvious that he did purposesly what he did, so I took this opportunity to tell miss kang about this, and I wasn't too tensed about her, because somewhere I knew she's able to take care of herself.

So, I parked my sleek black BMW car near the parking lot. I climbed off from the car and went straight to the hospital. The hospital was silent, and for some reason I found this very odd.

There was no one, on the ground floor, not even the receptionist behind the counter.

I kept my face blank as I went towards the elevator and clicked for the highest floor. The 4th floor.

Soon I reached to Lee's office, since it was near the elevator and since I wanted to give him some warning about him and since I was personally here.

I smirked at the thought. But my footsteps halted when I heard a familiar voice screaming . "how dare you to command me like that!" it was surely y/n.

"so, finally you showed up, Huh? " he slightly laughs at her. I went further on the way, without making any noise with my shoes.

I got near the door to see what was going on. Yellow simple flowy dress with olive green cardigan, hairs in a tight ponytail and white sneakers, ofcourse it was y/n.

"the hell is wrong with you? " I was shocked from her shouting, the amount of time I've meet her I haven't seen her like this, like shouting at someone this much.

"it's you y/n. " Lee stated calmly as he shrieks towards her. He stopped once he was in front of her smiling. Her back was facing me so I ain't sure what reaction she was giving him.

But she took two steps back from him. "enough of your bullshit.just tell me what the hell you want from me? " her voice was void of any emotion.                                         

damn! Maybe this bastard has done something which pissed her off this much.

"y/n -" he started, but soon he stopped taking a pause and deep breath as well, before continuing, " we got divorced. " he said while looking into her eyes directly .

After some second I heard her scoffing at him. "so what? " Yes, really. What she have to do with hi- wait! They are having affair with each other?

"I did it for us y/n. " he said as he grabbed her shoulders. She slightly looked at his hands where he just putted it. And she pushed his hands off of her shoulders.

Well, she didn't like it. "you first ruined my life, and now you ruined it for my sister too,YOU SICK BASTARD! " she shouted at him in full rage.

" Enough ,y/n! " this time he yelled at her. "I'm sick of this forgiving shit. No, just tell me what even my fault was, Hm? That I just slept with your sister. Oh com'on it's not a big-" he really exaggerated the things. Y/n cutted him off with a loud slap across his ugly face.

"don't you dare to complete the damn sentence! You - you don't know how much humility me and my family has to face just because of you and my stupid sister." y/n was panting now, it seems like see was running out of her breath.

"why the hell even you did it, Huh! Why? JUST TELL ME? " she again yelled at him, but her voice was cracking a bit, I assume she was tearing up, at the point.

"because I had to do that, okay. " Lee whispered, while looking down, maybe he was shameful for his doings.

"Oh, yeah maybe you just couldn't control your harmons, and you went needy, and since my sister was there, you did it with her. Right? " she stated with a humorless laugh.

"No, she forced herself on me. Y/n. "

"what? She did what? " she scoffed at him in disbelief.

"yes, y/n believe me, it was her, not me. " he was desperately trying to convince her.

"No! You're lying again. " she whispered, more to herself.

"but, honestly speaking, it was your fault Y/n, really. " he said as he was taking steps towards the window of his office, he's really a sick bastard.

"how so? " she asked in a stirn voice.

"well, -" he started, while watching the stars in the the sky.

" see, let's just say, I wanted to that things with you, but you always stopped me. And your sister was having interest in me since the very first time, and you never saw it. And that day, when she offered herself to me, saying I could do anything with her, I just can't stop myself, and we did it. And I tried to tell you about her, trust me y/n -" he turned to see her in the eyes.

"I really wanted to tell you about how she was trying to seduce me, even after our parents announced our marriage, but I got no chance to do this. " he finished his words with deep breath and regret filled eyes.

She was looking down, all the time silently, then she took some steps, and grab her handbag from the floor, which don't know, why was there.

And as she picked it up, she pulled out a neatly folded white paper from her bag,and handed it to him, which he took it silently, Watching her movements.

"GOODBYE ." were her last words, before she ran off from him, being a crying mess.


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