chapter 39

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Park jimin's pov
Night rider's bar( 10:00 pm)

I got a call from the manager of this bar, saying that taehyung is there and he's not in a good condition.

I haven't told anyone about this ,because I know if taehyung is drinking at this time of the night ,then it must be something serious.

But the most confusing thing is that , he said he was going to a date with y/n and now he was in a bar as a drunk ass. I sighed in frustration as I saw the neon sign for the bar.

I climbed off my car and Locked it. The bar has still some people here and there. Soon, I recognized him ,his back was facing me , and I could guess he was again trying to order something but the bartender was denying it.

"Do you know who the fuck i am, I can sue your entire bar- no I can buy it just in a one snap, you fucking wait and watch, I swear-" he was slurring, and it wasn't hard to guess that he was wasted for sure.

"Tae." I called out for him. He looked at me ,his eyes were red and half closed.

"Aigo, park jimin, my friend. " he exclaimed and tried to hug me but he couldn't do it ,because it was hard to stand up for him, thats how much he has drunk.

He pouted as he failed at his attempt. I rolled my eyes at his tantrum. "Hey prick, now give me one more shot." He ordered the bartender, throwing his hands in the air dramatically.

"No, taehyung. You're not gonna have drinks anymore." I said and he pouted more if it was possible, he was acting like a spoiled kid.

"Ah waeee~". Actually a whining kid.

"No, no taehyung. Now com'on we are leaving now." And dragged him to my car.

I putted him on the back seat. I can't drop him at his home , taena won't be happy see his brother like this.

I drove through the city, and stopped at my house. I sighed as I watched him ,asleep on the back seat of my car.

I pulled him out of the car, and dragged him again to my house. I laid him on my bed .

I changed his clothes in something comfortable, and then pulled the blanket over him.

He was struggling to sleep, and I know why. I smiled at it, when he grabbed my pillow, and snuggled into it.

I was about to switch off the lights, but I halted my doings ,when I heard something.

"She betrayed me jimin-ah."

Kang y/n's pov
Her house ( 9:38 pm)

"What are you doing at my house, Lee minho?" I asked him half frustrated and half surprised.

"I came here to give you something. " was his answer to my question.

I sighed ,pinching my nose bridge. "Okay, come in." I gave him the permission to come inside my house.

He sat comfortably on the couch, and I was standing right in front of me, with folded hands over my chest. My face was neutral, that time.

He cleared his throat, "uh, Gracie told me to give you this." He said and gave me a card like thing.....a wedding card?
I unfolded it and what I saw was literally shocking for me.

" getting married?" I asked ,still my eyes were focused on the wedding card. "Yes." He replied. and an unwanted tear slipped from my eyes.

"Her father and her older brother is forcing her to get married from this man." He explained.

I sat on my sofa glaring at the wedding card with a shocked face.

"But, she like someone else!" I practically yelled at him, throwing the wedding card somewhere.

"And why you came to give her wedding card?" I questioned him. He gulped.

" it was her last day of work today ,and she was giving her wedding card to every staff, and then she asked me to give you this instead of any other person. She said she'd be busy with the all shopping thing, so that's why I came." He finished, with a sad sigh.

"But how can she -" " sometimes you have to take decisions, which you never want to, for the sake of you loved ones." His words made me speechless.

"What was the real reason, minho?" I whispered lowly. He just sat there staring at me.

" I didn't knew y/n , I never knew that the baby she said was mine, was never mine y/n, and trust me I fought with her about this, that I always used the protection, but she somehow convinced me that, it was mine baby, and for the sake of the baby I had to leave you like that......I'm Sorry."

I burst out in tears, my head was now in my hands. I took deep breath, and looked at him, he was also now fighting his misery.

"Do you know who's baby it is?" I asked him.

He shook his head, as expected. Of course she didn't told him.

"It's Mr kim's baby." I finally told him, and he stood up from the couch, in shock.

"What?!" He ran his hands trough his hair.

" so she slept with him?" He said with gritted teeth.

"No, she was in a relationship with him, and she got pregnant, he asked her to Carry this child, but she wanted to abort it ." I Explained, as calm as I could.

"That woman, is a living bitch. She has ruined so many lives." He said , and anger laced in his voice..

"She gave it up for adoption, the baby is now in a orphanage in busan." He suddenly said.

"W-what?" I whispered, my eyes were becoming teary again, and my one palm was over my mouth to muffle my sobbing.

"Yes y/n, I knew about it. But we ended up with a DNA test with the baby, and the reports were negative, so we finally took the decision to get divorced. " he told me.

"Oh, God. I'll tell Mr Kim about it ,anyhow. He has the rights to know about it. " I said and he shook his head.

"Why?" I asked. "Because I'm gonna adopt it." He exclaimed.

I frowned. "Yes y/n, I'm leaving for the Busan, tomorrow morning, and might not come Seoul for atleast one week. I contacted the orphanage for the baby, as soon I got to know about it, and now for the legal process, I have to be there."
He explained, and I nodded my head.

"Uh, BTW, congratulations for your relatives with Mr Kim." He suddenly talked.

"H-how-" "oh, com'on y/n everyone knows about it. "

I nodded curtly, and looking at the wooden floor of my house. "Aren't you happy?" He asked ,placing his one hand on my shoulder.

I looked at him ,"Jennie ruined it too." I said with a stray tear slipping trough my eyes.

He hugged me, and I let him do that, at least for the last time.


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