chapter 56

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Kang y/n's pov
Jungkook's house (8:30 pm)

I looked at him for a second.

"Okay, let's not waste time, jungkook put her in the car carefully, try not to bother her belly. "I said, my doctor's mode was on the edge.

He was again staring, "Com'on move, quickly. " I practically yelled at him.

He started doing what I had asked him to do, with Lisa in his arms ,he went out and mr. Carter was just behind him.

"Y/n, you should go with them." Jisoo unnie suggested.

"I'll take her. " Taehyung announced.

Jisoo unnie nodded. "We'll meet you there with essential things for Lisa and baby, okay. " and with those last words from Jisoo unnie, me and taehyung ran toward a his cars.


"Jungkook, here have some water." I said as I handed him the cup of water.

He was continually, pacing around the waiting room.

He nodded and took the cup from me.

I was sitting at a chair ,taehyung sitting beside me, he's wrapped his bleazer around me. And  Mr Carter said he had some errands to run, so he needed to leave.

The door for Lisa's, opened dramatically. Doctor, chaeyong, came from the door, removing her mask and scrubs.

"So, who's the father, here?" She asked ,her eyes dancing between my boyfriend to Jungkook .

Jungkook's eyes widened. "I-its me." He stuttered.

Doctor smiled at him and extented her hand to him. "Congratulations, it's a baby girl." She told him with her beautiful smile.

Jungkook was stunned. "Oh- wow, really?" He asked her ,in shock.

"Yes, you may see her now."

"And what about the mother?" I questioned.

She turned her attention to me. "Oh, she's also fine, just she needs to rest now. Also, it was a good idea to not wait on an ambulance, if it was late than this, we might had complications." She said and she didn't wait for us response as she bowed slightly and went to other room.

"Let's go, see her." Taehyung whispered.


Lisa was awake now, but tiredness was visible in her eyes. Jungkook hesitantly held his daughter in her arms. Lisa smiled heartedly at the sight before her.

She was so beautiful, so, so beautiful.

She has doe eyes like her father and has round cheeks, which were Slightly pinkish. She has cute button nose, cute lips, overall she was beautiful just like her parents.

"Oh, I think we are late then." Oh, hwasa unnie.

We all turned to her voice, there were all his brothers except jimin ssi, he didn't even attended the baby shower too. And ofcourse Jisoo unnie, IU unnie, and hwasa unnie.

"Sorry Lisa, and also sorry y/n, we left your parents with kids." IU unnie Informed.

"Oh, it's okay, the're grandpas for a reason. " I said playfully.

And we burst out laughing.

"Omo! Look at her isn't she pretty. " Jisoo cooed as she took her in her arms carefully.

"Debak! so beautiful. " whispered hobi oppa.

"But, what's her name?" Suddenly taehyung said.

"Lily. " answered Jungkook, looking at his daughter with longing eyes.

"Wah, such a cute and beautiful name for a beautiful princess." It was jin oppa .

"Oh, see, he's calling someone beautiful other than himself. " Jisoo teased him, glaring at him playfully.

"Yah!" He exclaimed.

"Whatever." Jisoo unnie rolled her eyes at him, and putted Lily back at her crib.

"Let them rest, guys." Hwasa unnie said.

"Yes let her take her take some rest." It was namjoon ssi, who ushered us out.

We all left Lisa and Lily alone to rest. We all were out , again at the waiting room.

I unconsciously yawned. "Uh, y/n, you should go and rest too, you must be tired." Jisoo unnie said in pure concern.

Then she looked at taehyung, who was behind me, and then hobi oppa joined her to stare at him.

"Um, yeah, let's go ,baby." Taehyung said pulling me with him.


"Tell your dads to watch hana for us."Taehyung said as he proceeded to drive in the dark road.

"Why, we are not going back to the house?" I asked him, my brows furrowed.

"No, we are not." He said and changed the gear.

"Huh? Then where are we going?" Yeah, the curiosity got the best of me.

He smirked before replying, "you'll see."


"What is this place?" I asked looking at the massive building in front 0f me.

"That's darling is my penthouse. " he announced proudly, and dragged me on a elevator.

"Wait, really? Oh, when did you bought it?" I asked him. As he was typing for the top floor. 27th floor.

He chuckled, "Actually, I didn't bought it, but I kinda snatched it ."

"What? From who?"

"From a investor, baby. He was taking his time to pay us back for some things, but he didn't at a said time, so I took it from him ." He was nervous, he was definitely nervous, but why?

The elevator opens with a ding, and we stepped out it, and ,guys, the penthouse was worth snatching.

"Debak! It's so fucking huge taehyung." I practically scream from joy.

It was really a supremacy. The kitchen was so big, it was an open kitchen in attached with the living room. The lights were dim and was golden, it was looking so mesmerizing in the night.

Taehyung wasn't speaking. Neither I could sense him behind me, so I turned to look behind me, and as I guessed he wasn't there.

Suddenly, the lights were off.

"Taehyung!" I called his name. Yet, no answer.

"What the fuck?"I muttered to myself.

"Taehyung!" I again screamed his name, and this time the lights turned on, it was now white-ish.

I felt something was below my feet. It was a cardboard.

I picked it up and there was written 'open me.'  So I opened it. There was something wearable.

A night gown..

A black night gown, which was short maybe to my mid thighs, with spaghetti straps and v neck line, was staring back at me.

There was a small yellow note in that.

'Wear me' it reads.

I didn't know why but I did exactly what was written on that very note.

TO BE CONTINUED............

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