chapter 15

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Kang y/n's POV
In v's car (9:45 pm)

Yes, somehow, I ended up in his car. God, it's so uncomfortable. This silence between us is so damn uncomfortable.

"um.... Miss kang?" he said hesitantly.glancing between me and then the road.

"yeah. " I said under my breath, playing with my backpack's zips which was now resting on my lap. "I didn't see the staff at hospital, do you know where were they? "

"uh, today's Mr Lee's wife's birthday, so they must be partying at some club, I guess. " I said finally looking at him for the time, on this car ride. He curtly nodded.

His eyes were on the street. "he's married? " he said, his eyes widened for some reason. And on the other side I was confused.

"you didn't know? " I said ,my voice slightly raised. "actually, I heard about, that he was going to marry someone -" and there we go, I think it's not in our destiny to talk properly. We were inturpted by my phone.

I quickly took out my phone from my pocket and checked for the caller ID.
Appa  it reads. And without wasting any time I picked it up.

"Appa, how are you? " I can hear there was shuffling . I rolled my eyes knowing what this could be."appaaa."
I whined wanting to talk to him.

"oh god, boys are so stupid y/n. "  he said almost whinning, and I laughed at it. "appa!" I exclaimed at his silly comment.

"oh, don't worry he's not around. " he whispered, and that time I know he was lieying. "yah, yeah. Whatever. "I said rolling my eyes.

"so, why your calling me at this time? " I asked him, and on the other side Mr Kim has stopped the car in front of some seven star restaurant. Eat jin.

I ignored the fact, that he climbed off and went straight to the restaurant. "y/n, I called you to inform you that my Hana is landing back to Seoul, okay.
I know you have forget it, right?" I facepalmed at that, shaking my head in disbelief.

"right appa. I just forgot about it. " I admitted to him, he knows me too better.

"appa's always right baby, now the real thing." he took a pause before continuing " your halmonie, told me that a fully grown man tried to - " I stopped him in the middle of his assumptions.

"not you too appa. I've had enough for today appa, I don't want to repeat it. " I said pouting, it's okay he can't See Me pouting but I bet you , he can sense it.

"yah, now stop pouting okay. " And immediately my pouting was replaced by a smile, a big one. Oh, he knows me too well. "by the way, where's him? " I asked him teasingly.

"well a poor man wants your attention too, baby girl. It's not fair that you talk about him, even when I'm the one who's calling you. "

"oh god, he's all yours appa, no need to get jealous ,at least not from him. Okay? " he chuckled, finally. I felt like it was a victory. Well, let's say he doesn't laugh at all.

"yeah, yeah. He's so hard to handle, I'm telling you. " and I laughed at it. Knowing that's the bitter truth. And on that time Mr Kim was back with so many bags of packed food with him.

"y/n, he was sulking that you haven't called him, in like years. " he complained. I rolled my eyes at this, and Mr Kim has settled on his seat, well all set to drive again.

"oh god, I've shifted here for like only 5 months ago appa. Jesus, you're getting forgetful appa. Com'on. "And there I teased him again.

"oh really y/n, you know what -" there was a pause with a loud gasp, And a long chain of curse, I scrunch my nose in disgust as the all type of profanities touches my ear.

"baby, he's wake up. I have to go to him. Or else you know him..... " and after that we bid our adieu to each other and soon the line was dead.

I sighed looking out the window. It was kinda refreshing to hear his voice for today's hectic day.

The suddenly.... I caught the glimpse of my house, then a moment later, we were in front of my house. I quickly climbed off the car and hang my back pack on my shoulder.

I turn my head to see he was also coming down with a blank face, does this man know what emotions are? I opened my mouth to thank him for the ride, but...... I heard my home's door knob shuffling, and damn! The door was creaked open and there comes my angel through the door.

Hana, yes she was in front my eyes. Coming for me with her open arms for a hug. I knelt down on the ground with the tears of joy in my eyes. And quickly she was in my embrace. Ah, the feeling.

"Eomma, I missed you ." she said giggling. I chuckled, "momma, missed you too baby. " I said as my one arm was wrapped around her waist and the other one was on the back of her head, to steady her.

She pulled out from the welcoming hug, and laughing she wiped my tears. And  me....i was only looking at her in adoration.

"oh finally, bit-" it was kyungmi's voice, coming with her from the same door as Hana. But she then stopped her saying or should I say, she stopped her doing.she froze in her spot with a jaw drop look. She was staring behind my -

I quickly stood up, holding Hana's palm in my big one ."oh, Mimi he's -"
"Kim taehyung. " she completed my words with the same look she was before. But... I was confused." uh, yes". I gave her a 'what the hell is going on? " look.

I turned to face Mr Kim. He was smirking. Damn! He's smirk .

I gave him a awkward smile , I heard him clearing his throat before speaking, "I should leave Ms kang. " he said nodding towards his car.

I was about to bow, at least to show him some respect after sorta making him feel uncomfortable, but then I heard a gasp besides me.

I looked down at Hana. Yeah, he was the culprit who has her free palm over her open mouth, and did I mention her doe eyes were wide, making it more beautiful.

Slowly she looked up to me, I raised a eyebrow playfully. "Eomma, he's so hwandsom". She said between her giggles. Making me smile like a idiot.

I heard a masculine laugh, there was no doubt, it was Mr Kim.



and ladies and gentlemen, uri updated 'Hana '.....

I mean literally she's just so perfect for 'Hana'

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I mean literally she's just so perfect for 'Hana' .  when I was searching for a picture as Hana, I mean who can justify Hana's character, I was getting disappointed by the results. But..... As soon as I saw her picture, I was so happy, because she fits well for Hana's.

And, plus she's so damn cute. I'm falling in love with her. Really.

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