chapter 42

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Kang y/n's pov
Her house (

My eyes teared up at his words.

Sobbing, I gently cupped his face, "you don't need to apologize, taehyung. " I whispered. He was about to say something, but for our luck, the lights decided to cut off that very time.

I moved, and my toe caught the table, i hissed from the pain. "Y/n!" He whispered yelled.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." I chanted to him, still trying to endure the pain.

"No, you're not, just wait, okay?" I unknowingly nodded. After some time he, turned on the flash light of his phone. He took my hand in his and settled me on the bed.

"Now, do you have any candles?" He asked, and I nodded looking at him .

"Over there." I nodded towards where I had putted the candles earlier.

He brought the candles, and helped me to light it up, after some minutes we were surrounded by the candles, that was the only source of light, in that darkness.

He came and sat next to me, with some distance, it was awkward at first, no one was daring to talk, but eventually he broke the silence.

"Y/n.....I am- " but before, he can say anything I putted my hand in his, which caused him to shut up.

"Say you're sorry one more time, and I'll kick your ass out from my house." I deadpanned, but somehow his lips tucked into a sweet smile.

I took a deep breath, "Taehyung, I hope you understand now, I was scared for the same reaction as you did that night. I never wanted you to hate me. You don't know Taehyung after whatever she did with me ,with Lee, and with my family, how much I hated her." I said ,my voice was cracked, because I was trying to block the sob between my throat.

He didn't hesitate to engulf me in his embrace, and I finally cried my eyes out on his shoulder. We stayed like that, for some minutes, and then we pulled away.

"thank you for being here, taehyung. " I said, directly looking into his eyes, and he didn't said anything but he's eyes flicker on my lips,then my eyes.

Its a bit steamy 🔥

He leaned to kissed me. The kiss was so gentle, so innocent, but by the time it became needy. He pushed me on my back, not breaking the sensual kiss, and hovered over me, his lips finally, left mine, attacked my neck, I was moaning his name.

His hands traveled under my hoodie, my I can feel my skin was burning from his touch, then he tried to remove my hoodie, and I came back to the reality.
"Taehyung. " I called out his name, and he immediately stopped with wide eyes.

"Damn, y/n, did I hurt you anywhere? " he asked cupping my face, I shook my head as reply. "Then, what it is ,baby?" He asked gently.

Baby, today he has called me baby for the first time.

I looked in his eyes, he was worried, "the thing is that....." I trailed off ,averting my eyes from his and nibbled my lower lips. Slowly I sat up, and he moved to give us some space.

And then I did what I never thought I would do, in front of him. I pulled off my off pink hoodie over my head. And my scars were now on display. Needless to say that, I was only in my bra and black silk shorts.

His lips parted a bit at first, then he saw my scared face, and his eyes softened. He kissed my forehead.

"Were you scared that I would hate you for these, beautiful scars, y/n?" He whispered, as his eyes were roaming to my scars.

I had some cut scars on my hands, and a big fat scar on my left chest. That was the reason why i always wore, full sleeves or jacket over my any dress.

He touched the scar on my chest, it felt so cold there. "How you got this one?" He asked ,as he now sat in Indian style and pulled me to his lap.

I sighed, watching the same damn scar.
"I got bullied in my high school." I answered his question.

He hummed, but I could sense the curiosity in his eyes, his hands were now on my waist, "what for?" He asked, while making circles on my waist, with his thumbs.

I snorted at his question, "because I have gay parents. " he stiffened at my reply.

"I was a tom boy, in my high school. And people thought, I was turning into a boy, for some reason.So, one day, a girl, came to me and asked me to come with her." His grip on my waist became tighter and he putted his chin on my now bare shoulder, and was rocking us left and right.

"I was curious, so I went with her, and she led me to a empty class, but it wasn't an empty class, there were girls, and then one girl came to me and she tried to rip my shirt, I protested, but she didn't stopped, and unknowingly I slapped her, and for revenge she took something sharp and dragged it to my chest, making this scar." I finished my words, pointing at the saying scar.

"And what about those?" He asked about the scar on my wrist , and hands.
I sighed, and looked forward, "I tried to kill myself, not once but twice." I finally told him the deepest secret of my life.

He was shocked for a moment. Then he turned my face to his, by my chin. "Oh, my poor baby." He whispered softly, kissing my head, and I shifted in my position, and now i was face to face to him, and my legs were wrapped on his waist.

"Y/n, you are beautiful, okay. There's no doubt that you're a strong woman, who has been through so much, and this scars are, what makes you different than other women, okay? You won't be shy again because of these scars, promise me?" He said and my eyes were on the werge of tears, I nodded.

"Words, baby." He forced, and I chuckled at his behavior. "I promise. " I finally said and he once again kissed me. And I know this time we aren't going stop, at any cost.

And that night we became one, and the lights of the candles were the witness of that.


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