chapter 14

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Kang y/n's POV
Y/n's house gwangju (1:30 pm)

Five months ago :

"halmonie, I have to go. I just can't stay here. " I said as I zipped up my suitcase. She nodded before leaving my room.

"Eomma, where we are going? " Hana, my child, said to me, hugging tightly her favorite teddy, Mr bear, that's what she called it.

I crouched down to her level, and hugged her as tightly as I can. "far away ."

She tilted her head in confusion, once I've pulled away from the hug, but my hands were still on her shoulders. "fwar away? " oh yeah, new word. She's still learning.

"it's faaar baby. It means, that we will not live here, with your grandparents and haloma. "

Haloma, that's what she likes to call my halmonie. She thinks that halmonie is a longer word, while haloma's not.

"no, I will not." she pouted ,  and shook her head repeatedly.

"but ba-" before I could say anything, she ran away from My embrace.

As she left, halmonie came through the same door. I stood up from my kneeling position. Tears were threatening to fall, but no I can't do that. Not now.

Halmonie's face was sad as she saw Hana running.

Halmonie took a deep breath before coming to me, we were facing each other.

"I have done in my power to stop you,- " she sighed, a frustrated one. " but I've failed miserably. " she continued.

"no, halmonie don't say it, it wasn't your fault, it was mine. I should've -"I didn't realize I was crying, until halmonie hugged me and whispered me to don't cry.

I was sobbing uncontrollably. She pulled back, "OK, come here. " she said, pulling me towards my bed to sit down there.

We sat there, my tears were stopped by the time, and I couldn't courage myself to look at my halmonie in her eyes, because it was the first time I've cried in front of her this much.

She wasn't here during my school time, when I was getting bullied, I would come home just to cry and to clean my wounds.

"okay, now promise me, you'll never, never ever blame yourself for whatever Lee and the black spot on the name of your sister has done. Okay? Now promise me. " she scolded me .i can only Nod at that.

"use your words lady. " she demanded. I know it was so hard for her to pretend that she wasn't affected by anything, but I knew my grandma way too much.

I looked up slowly, "I promise you, that I'll never blame myself. Never ever. " I said , making sure I sounded more calm than I was that time.

She hummed and took out something from her pocket. It was a ring. My grandpa's ring.

"halmonie, it's grandpa's wedding ring, isn't it? " I asked her, looking at the ring which was now between my fingertips. I looked at her for a answer. "yes, dear. It's his ring.

now, i was confused. Why would she give it me. "then, why are you -" but before I could complete my question, she already answered it.

"I've to tell you something important Y/n. " she said as she touched my shoulder, "actually your grandfather-" she didn't looked at me, it was like, she was struggling to say, whatever she wants to say.

"halmonie, please tell me". I whispered, feeling not good about whatever was going on.

" actually, when your grandfather was alive, he was able to see people's future." I gasped, well, it was a whole new information for me.

"but halmonie you never told me about it. " I found myself raising my voice. "I wanted to, trust me y/n. I wanted to.

But, I never have the courage to tell you. Just trust me. " she said desperately.

"okay, I believe you. But what the heck is that thing to do with his ring. " I said as I guestrured towards the ring. And by the time, she has pulled her hands to herself. She wasn't touching me anymore.

"this ring here , is a magical ring y/n. " she said, and her saying sounds so cold at that time. "now, listen to me carefully y/n. "  halmonie was so serious now, that's the most serious I have ever seen her. I only nodded my head.

"okay, so this ring can tell you who's your real life partner is. And according to your grandfather, your soul mate is in Seoul. And, since you've decided that you'll go Seoul, and you'll live there now, so I took it as a opportunity, that's why I'm giving you this ring just now. " and with her words my jaw drop. Literally. I never thought she will- .

"but, halmonie what happened with me, months ago, do you really think, I would still want to marry someone?" I said in disbelief.

"you know halmonie, I won't. At least not anytime soon. " I said shaking my head furiously.

She was only staring at me. "I know you don't want to, but you have to, for Hana, at least. " she has a point though. "but still-" she cutted off me, this habit of hers.

" you don't have to say much about it okay. All you have to wear it on your neck with a chain, and when the time will come, or when you will meet Your soul mate, this ring will be detached from the chain and it will fall from your neck. And that day you will find your soul mate standing right in front of you."

" because if it's you who would have lost it you will find it continuesly, without any problems, by your own self, but if it will lost with the spark of your soul mate, then you will only find it, just by him. " she finished. And trust me I was terrified just by hearing it.

Present day :

I gasped as the memories regarding to this ring came back to me. 'No, this shouldn't have happened.'  I quickly looked up at him from the ring on my palm, terrified.

"this shouldn't have happened. " I voiced my thoughts to him. He was confused, of course who wouldn't be. "excuse me? "

"where- where did you find it Mr Kim? " I said , nodding towards the ring. "at my office room. " he said casually.

No, no, no- I took a deep breath closing my eyes. When I reopened it, I muttered a small thank you to him, and without any further words I left the room, leaving him all alone there.

He can't be my soul mate, right?

TO BE CONTINUED...........

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