chapter 21

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Kim Taehyung's POV
V's land office (9:30 Am)

One week later :-

"don't force me to fire you all!! " I barked at my best workers who had thier eyes clinge to the floor, standing before me.

"and under two days, only in fucking two days, I want this shit to be done. " I said as my eyes trailed on each one of them.

"am I clear? " they all flinched from my voice, before nodding thier head repeatedly. "now get lost." they quickly left my office ,as I finished my words.

I groaned at the papers on my table. I took my telephone and dialed her number. After two rings, she picked it up. " yes sir? " she said as quickly as she could.

"coffee. Black. Right now. "I ordered her through the phone. "on the way sir. " and I hung up the call.

I Ran my fingers through my head, making my hair more messier than before. I heaved a stressfull sigh. After two minutes the door knocked.

"come in. " I said without flickering my eyes up from the paper, in my hands.

I heard door opened and closed, before the foot steps echoing the peaceful atmosphere.

The sound stopped and I slowly looked up to see, someone, whome I wasn't pleased to see. For sure.

"who the hell let you in here? "I said in all the anger lingering on my words, like venom. She smirked as she folded her arms across her chest.

"Hm, nice to meet you too. taehyungie." she said sarcastically. And guess what, I don't have time for some unnecessary sarcasm here.

I shutted my eyes, and my fist were clenching and unclenching, on my side. You can't hit a woman.

I opened my eyes. I was shaking from anger and she was there standing calmly like a Satan.

"why are you here, piper ?" I said gritted my teeth, as I looked away from her face and folded my hands on my chest.

"I've missed you taehyung-ah." she breathed out the whole sentence, and my eyes snapped to look at her face. Her face held the emotion which I hated the most in her face. Pain.

Com'on taehyung you can't fall for this facade . Not again.

My face went blank as I stared at her pained face. I smirked at her as a idea popped up in my mind.

I took my telephone once again dialing to the head of the department, all time my eyes were on her,and she was also watching me with so much intense. Let's end it here.

"yes sir? " said the stirn voice. "I want all the security heads in my office. Quick." I didn't wait for a answer as I hung up the call.

I stood up from my leather seat and made my way to her.

"just go on that side. " I nodded to the left side of my table, and soon there was a knock before a head peeped from the crack.

"you called us sir? " I smirked at them. It gonna be fun.

"ah, Mr jang, please come. " I nodded my head as I gave them the permission. And soon the twelve men in black suit were standing before me.

I looked at her from the corners of my eyes, her eyes widened as she looked at them .

"go, and line up there. " I nodded at my right. And I was in the middle of her and all the men.

"so, boys , I just want y'all to watch her face carefully. " thier eyes were on me, but as I finished my words they all looked at her with thier blank face.

"boys! " I called out for theier attention.

"yes sir! " they said in unison.

"her name is park piper. " they all nodded thier head at the information.

"what's her name? " I asked them to make it clear. "park piper, sir. " again it was in unison.

"and I -" I paused myself for a second, to fold my hands on my chest and to look at her now paled face.

"I don't want to see her here. Neither breathing nor dead. " I said as I didn't allowed any emotion to linger on my voice. It was emotionless.

Totally. Looking deadly at her as she whimpered looking down on the ground.

I snapped my head towards my boys again. "Am I fucking clear?" I asked .

"crystal clear, sir. " the unison these boys have- " y'all can go back now. But I'm not giving you permission to gossip about it. Alright? " I raised my eyebrows at them in a questionable manner.

"yes sir. " and with that they all went from here.

"you will fucking pay for it Kim taehyung. " she pointed her index finger at me, as I was watching her with blank face.

"you just wait and see. " and she just went out from my office with her red eyes and crying face.

To be continued.......

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