chapter 19

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Alite palace
Park Shina's POV (9:30 pm)

Later that day :-


They were the first things I heard, after I opened the main door of his palace. I was so damn nervous, it happens everytime I come here.

Sex slaves, half naked girls, and strippers were his favorite things to play with.

I gulped harder, as I make my way further in the house, and I froze on the spot as I heard his laughter booming though a room. I don't know why, but that room's door was open.

I walked to the couch and sat there, waiting for him, and hearing those whore's moaning and screaming .

after some time he walked one of those filthy rooms, where I, for sure, don't want to go. Never ever.

My eyes were Down all the time, shaking in fear as I heard his footsteps coming closer and closer by the time.

And, soon he was in front of me, because of the angle of my eyes, I could only see his black leather shoes, with something white on it. It didn't take me time to understand what it could be.

I scrunched my nose is disgust, still staring at his shoes.

"don't you wanna look at my face? Princess. " his deep voice filled the area. I felt my hair rising, as his words touched my ears.

I managed to look at him, slowly gazing up from his shoes to his black ripped jeans to his bare torso ,to his bare chest and finally his devil face .

This shirtless shit!

My eyes got widen as I saw smirk making it way on his lips. He let out a terrible laugh at my expression.

He stopped as I again took my all attention to the floor. I could sense he was glaring at me, and he sat across me.

One leg over his onother. And his hands spreading on each side. "look at me, Wifey. " and, there. There was the thing I was most afraid of.

He never left any chance to drag our relationship. And if he drag it, he always tries to say it, like It will take his life. Like if it can kill him..

I shakily look up at him. He was smirking again. "so, I think you've read my text. Hm? " he said as he putted his right foot on the ground, so now his feet were touching it. And he pulled out a packet of Cigarette .he leaned forward as he light it up.

He smoked it. I don't like it. And soon he dangerously laughed. Was he high? Who knows? I looked up at him, in his brown eyes.

"oh princess. " he said blowing smoke, and looked at my frighten figure. He smiled once again, before he continues " I thought you knew, when I ask you a question, I want a GOD DAMN ANSWER with it. "

He stood up and came to me, he stares at me with his blank face, and then he smirked. He grabbed my left wrist tightly And suddenly he smashed his cigarette on my left wrist.

I screamed loudly in pain, tears were floating down on my cheeks like a river.

"l-let go....please. l-let go.... I beg you, please. " I begged him because the pain was increasing with the time.

I was squirming in his hold. Sure, it was only his hand on my wrist, but the burning from the cigarette was really unbearable.

He soon let go as he threw his cigarette somewhere in the room. I laid my self down on the couch, while holding my bruised wrist, with my other one. Sobbing, crying, screaming. You name it. Sooner, my eyes were vacant, there were no tears left to cry.

I stood up, probably feeling like a zombie. I looked up at him, he was still there, where he was when he burned my wrist. We were face to face. Him towering over me. Looking Down at me with a sadistic smile on his face.

My face was stained from the tears, so I was sure that I wasn't looking presentable right now. But, screw that. Who cares.

"oh ,my, my ,princess. I thought, you were more stronger. Hm? Tch, your not that. Now the information. " he said while looking at my fragile body, up and down. His face was blank, emotionless.

"Mr Kim is trying to cure his sister's paralysis. "those were the only words before I left his house. Slamming the front door, which just boomed behind me.

Hot tears started to wailing up again. But I squeezed my eyes close, so they won't be falling anytime soon.

After calming myself down. I went to my home. Making a oath in my head.'I'll never betray mr Kim."


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