chapter 3

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Kim taehyung's POV -
Kim mansion ( 10:00 am) 

After taking a long relaxing shower. I dressed up and dashed down stairs to see taena was waiting for me. I smiled slightly at the sight before me. Her face lit up after seeing me.

"oppa! You came." she rolled the wheels of her wheelchair to reach out for me. "yeah". I said as I crouched down to meet her eye level .

" okay now, I'm really hungry. Can we do breakfast now ?" she asked me with her cute pout. "of course ma princess.

" and I stood up after saying that and I went opposite her wheelchair so that I could push her from behind. She didn't need another chair to sit down and eat and all , as she has her own chair. Right?

"here you go. " I said as I settled her on front of the dining table and went to my head chair and sat down.

"Shina Unnie!" taena called for Shina noona. She's just like our other regular maids but I don't know why but, taena is really attached to her.

Sometime I got worried about the fact. But then I think who knows if she's trying to find her mother in her.

As soon as she heard taena's calling she came towards our table, with some freshly cooked pan cakes and a cup of coffee for me.

She came to me first and served me, then she went to her and served her as well. Taena murmured a quiet thank you to her. And she just simply smiled before she bowed to me and left the room.

'should I tell her about the doctor?' I thought looking at her and taking a bite of my pan cake. I  cleared my throat before speaking.

"taena." I called for her attention, she Look at me ,her mouth were filled with a bite of pan cakes. She raise her eyebrows, like she was asking me 'what? '

"taena, a lady physiotherapist is coming today , to check up you. " she nodded while chewing her food.

" so be nice with her okay. And tell her everything she asks you. Alright? " she nodded again but this time her food was finished.

"what did you call her ph- ph- " she asked me as she was trying to say that profession, I smiled slightly at her behavior.

"it's physiotherapist." she pouted a little. "why it's so long oppa?" she whined at me.

"can't I call her something else?" she asked me smiling cutely while flashing her missed front tooth.

"yes. Um you can call her....... " I thought for a second then something popped up in my mind .

I looked into taena's eyes and said " Dr Unnie?" I said It like a question for know if she would like it or not. But when she heard this name she clasped her hand in front of her, her eyes widened.

" debak, then it's final I'll call her Dr Unnie. " she said and threw a thumbs up at my direction. I just simply nodded as I took my last sip of my coffee.

" and one more thing taena, I won't be here while she'll come and check you up. But your uncle chim would be there okay." and this time she threw two thumbs up in the air. Making it clear that she'll be happy with her uncle chim. "okay, for now let's go to your room and take some rest . "

i stood up and went to her and grabbed the back of her wheelchair so that I could lead her the way of her room while pushing it.

We reached in her bedroom in no time. Her bedroom was on the ground floor while mine was on the upstairs.

"oppa, you can go now. " she said as we stopped at her room's door. I just hummed as a response.

I know, she could do her job without any help."I'll come soon okay. " I said and kissed her fore head, and I left for my room.

I sighed as I reached to my room to take some files with me. Actually I really didn't wanted to go either but, I have to go because it's important. Really important.


I was about to go and take shower but at the time my phone rang and I checked it for the caller ID. It was jungkook, I immediately picked up. "hello?" I said in a really serious tone.

"hyung, I did what you had asked me." he said and I heard some muffling sound in the background.

"so, care to spare me?" I said as I sat down on the edge of the bed.

"oh, uh, yeah. She's the best physiotherapist at the hospital and also she's not slutty type hyung. She's really good at her doings. So I think it'll be great to ask her. " I sighed at the given information.

"hyung, if you want then I can call Lee to make a appointment with her." he offered me.

"no ,thanks kook. I think it's time to give some work to Lee by myself. " this time he sighed.

"also hyung...... "he took a deep breath before speaking again. " he's back hyung. So, I think we have to do some work done. Also I can't come today, jiminie will come to take care of taena."

I hummed as response and then Hung up the phone call. I threw my phone at the table front of me and took a deep breath while ruffling my hair. And then I went to take a shower.

Present time-

I took my phone from the back pocket then dialed a number. After two rings the person picked up the phone call.

"hey, are you coming?" I asked him as I rubbed my index finger on my temple. The other line only hummed . "okay, then. "

I hang up on the phone call. I can't leave taena without any of her oppas. She's special for me, and also besides my hyung and jungkook, she's the only one who isn't scared of me.

She's the only one who could make me smile, a genuine smile not a fake one.

Soon, I left my room with some essential things. "it's gonna be a long fucking day. " I muttered as I ran downstairs.

Kang y/n's POV -
Seoul heart hospital (3:30 pm)

'what a fucking married moron. ' I thought as I was picturing our MD in my mind. I dashed to my cabin so I could rest a bit before working for long hours. As I entered my cabin, my phone dinged up by a message. It was from that same bastard.

F. Moron:
Y/n Mr Kim said you have to go at His house for check up his sister.
At 5:00 pm.

I sighed at the message. 'just, who the hell is Mr Kim? ' I thought, and I just sent a simple okay as a answer before locking up my phone ,I threw my phone at the table and took my seat. I took a deep breath before merging myself with some paper work.

Kim taehyung's POV -
On the road ( 4:12 pm)

When I was driving a idea popped up in my mind. I stopped my car in the side and grabbed my phone dialing a number. After some rings the person picked it up.

"hello?" his voice was almost a whisper, and I can hear there was a moan from someone else. I knew it immediately who it can be.

And as realisation hit me that I have disturbed him, I facepalmed myself.

'just get yourself together. ' I scolded myself then I cleared my throat before speaking.

"hyung, seems like I've inturpted something important, Huh? " I said as my confidence was back, and a little bit teasing the older.

"Huh! Oh shut up taetae. Just tell me why you've called me?" I know from his voice he was a little annoyed with me.

"oh yeah, about that hyung , I got some work for you -" I'm not a fan of someone cutting me off while saying something but it's fine with my hyungs.

So, he cutted me off in between my sentence. " oh ,.for fuck sake. Just already tell me you bastard!" I chuckled at his response.

"uh yeah. So hyung there's a physiotherapist named kang y/n. She's the who I'm willing to check taena. She's gonna be here at 5:00 o'clock. So if you are free can you go and fetch her? "

I was tapping my fingers at the steering wheel while waiting for his answer. " okay, I can do that. What was her name again? "

"Miss kang y/n. "

TO BE CONTINUED.............

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