chapter 25

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Trigger warning - self harm, suisidel thoughts. And below are some comments which might be not suitable for sensitive people who have faced betrayal by thier partners, or so. So, the italics are for males, and the bold letters are for females. Anyways, it's kinda emotional chapter though, but well enjoy it. 😜

Kang y/n's POV
Seoul heart hospital (9:03 pm)

"yes, I feel pity for her. "

"I know right. Poor little soul. "

"I'm afraid she had faced the same thing in her college too. "

"Aww, this little girl has been through so much. "

"but I think her sister's more deserving than her. "

"yeah, first her child without father, and now this betrayal. "


Those brutal words were haunting me again. The words I was afraid of the most, were proving again, words can cut you more brutraly than a sharp knife.

I was sitting on the bus stop's bench, just few feets away from the hospital. I alone in the silence of the night. Just me, and my painful memories of people saying things, which became my worst nightmare.

My eyes were blur from the tears, my hands were clutching the edge of bench tightly that my knuckles were ready to turn white, and I was biting my lips to prevent any kind of sob to leave my mouth, while staring on the empty road.

Y/n's home gwangju ( 4:15 pm)

"you'd be always be the second option for everyone, y/n. Just mark my
words." my sister said in front of my family, staring right into my eyes. While lacing her fingers with my would be husband in just few months.

"KIM JENNY! " appa shouted making me flinch from the deep voice. I looked at him with my wet eyes, he was panting from anger.

"how dare you to talk to your sister like that?! " he shouted once again at her, and she scoffed as I averted my attention to her.

"my sister? Really appa! You're saying that "- she pointed towards me with her index finger, "this pathetic women standing in front of me, is my sister? "
It took me five seconds to burst into tears. Dada came to comfort me.

"are you out of your mind, lady? Do you what you're talk-" Dada started to yell at her, but he stopped himself as he glared at now Lee.

"we trusted you ,Lee. We trusted you with our whole heart, and you betrayed us. " appa comply what Dada wanted to do.

"sir I -" he started saying, and Dada pulled me more into his chest, my back was facing them, "don't you dare to call us anything. Even why you're here, Huh? Just get the fuck out of here!" appa again shouted at them, and they both went away.

"baby, it's okay. Everything will be fine, please don't cry. " Dada tried to be strong for me but he failed miserably, as he choked on his own words, he was also tearing up. I pulled myself from his embrace and I ran towards my room, and I locked the door.

I was in the middle of the room, going insane on my own, and I went to my attached bathroom, as I found some Blade in one of those cupboards .

I pulled it out from the box and I pinned it to against my wrist, I closed my eyes, as I tried to savor all the bad memories.

"I love you appa, I love you Dada, I love you halmonie.and momma loves you Hana. I'm sorry to fail as a daughter, as a grand daughter and as a terrible mother. I'm sorry. " I whispered to myself, as I stand in front of the mirror, watching my pathetic self. And I cutted-


my memories halted as I feeled a hand over my shoulder, I slowly looked up to see, who the person was.

With my blur eyes, I saw him, black shirt tucked into the black dress pants, with a sleek black belt, and black shining shoes on his feet. His pair of brown eyes staring into soul.

I burst out in tears as I looked at him. His eyes soften more, as he crouched down, to match my eye level, and he hugged me. Tightly.

I think at that time I needed it. I needed a shoulder to flow my tears. And Mr Kim's embrace was there to, complete my need.

I became a crying mess, as I buried my head in the crook of his neck, and wrapped my arms around his neck.And his arms were wrapped around my waist tightly, and his head was on my shoulder.

"shh, it's OK, Ms kang. everything will be alright. "he whispered in my ears.

After some minutes I was sober from my crying state. "sorry. " I whispered, looking down in shame and unwrapped my hands from his neck.

He cupped my cheeks, bringing it to meet his eyes, "Ms kang ,look at me."
He said in his deep voice.

I slowly looked into his eyes, and unknowingly tears slipped from my eyes as my lips were trembling.

"everything's alright, Hm. No need to cry. " he said while wiping my tears with his thumb. After that he was caressing my cheeks, too softly.

"I nodded my head, still looking at him. He gave me a tight lip smile. While I was only staring at him.

"Now tell me what happened ?" he said as he took a seat next to me, leaving my face with heat. "Mr Lee, and I were supposed to get married. "

"he's my ex fiance. Our marriage was a arrange marriage. His parents and my parents were friends since thier college. He was the only son of his parents while, in my case I have one sibling, my sister. She's not by blood related, but appa and Dada -" he inturpted me, with his hands grabbing mine into him. "appa and Dada? "

"um yeah, well my parents are gay."
He nodded slowly taking the unwanted information about my unique parents.

"yeah, they adopted me and my sister too, at different times, and she chose to use Dada's surname, while I went with my appa's. It was only 5 months left, when one day, my sister Jenny and Lee came to our house holding hands with each other, and she announced that ,She was pregnant with his child.
Lee was only standing there, being a mock there. While she was having fun insulted me and my family. " I finished with a humorless laugh.

He took a deep breath, and looked into my eyes, still clenching my hands. He brought his one hand to caress my cheeks, I leaned into hiswarmth, closing my eyes, heaving a relived sigh.

I opened my eyes as his caress got stopped, just to find him staring right into my soul.

He started leaning forward, now we were only a inch apart. Was he trying to kiss-

Soon we heard a vehicle screeching onto breaks, and a lifeless body came down from the car , in front of us. And once the body was down, the cars Ingine roar again as the people on that car went further in the darkness.

We looked at each other, with a concern face, and we dashed towards the lifeless body on the concrete.

I gasped as I crouched down to examine it, it was a kid. Maybe he was six years old.


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