chapter 23

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Kang y/n's POV
Seoul heart hospital (1:30 pm)

"oh shit, shit-" I cussed out, at my clumsiness. "y/n ?are you forgetting, that Hana's with me. " kyungmi groaned through the phone call. "oh. Shi-i mean ship, yeah ship. " she chuckled .

"okay, okay. Now y/n, your lovely baby and I need to go to the cafe, to fulfill our stomach. So, we gotta go babe. " And with that she hang up the phone call.

I sighed in relief. I grab all the papers from the table and left the room, to go towards the lab near the floor.

As I was walking, I bumped into someone's chest. My eyes were closed shut And I was ready to kiss the floor with a loud thud, but..... He caught me  by my waist.

He's hands were wrapped around my waist tightly and slowly I opened my eyes. His coffee brown eyes were staring at mine.

I frowned at him and broke our staring contest as I cleared my throat.

He just let go of me. So, now I was standing on my feet now. "uh... Excuse me, s-sir ,but may I know who are you?" I asked hesistantly to the unfamiliar man in all black, standing in front of me.

"hello-" he extainded his hand for a hand shake while introducing himself to me." the name's park bogum. " he finished his words with a smirk on his lips.

Park bogum's POV
Seoul heart hospital (1:45 pm)

She was just in front of me, just one touch away from me. I assume she has no idea who I'm.... Or otherwise no one has the courage to speak to me.

She extainded her hand to shake my already pulled out hand, and that mother fucking little touch we just made was heavenly perfect.

I couldn't help but to stare at her. I should stop it she's getting uncomfortable. I thought at her body language.

"park bogum? Are you a new doctor or maybe a surgeon?" she asked shyly as I let her hand go. I chuckled at her response.

"no, I'm not anything related to the medical field. I'm - just a patient you could say. " I said calmly to her,pausing in between my sentence to search for a good word to put instead of my profession.

"oh, so why are you on this floor?"ah, too many questions babe!  I scratched my temple with my index finger... As I was looking at her sweet innocent face.

"uh, actually I was here for some tests to run... But I think I just took the wrong floor though. " I said awkwardly to her.

She just nodded her head, biting her lower lip while looking down and clutching her files to her chest. And damn those lips.

Her face lighten up as she realized something. "uh, who was appointed to your tests? I mean can you give me the name of your doctor? " I just nodded at her question as I pulled a little card to show her.

"oh, Dr song!  She's on the second floor. " she exclaimed excitedly as she looked the small card in my hand. I chuckled a bit at her childishness.

"okay, then I should leave now. I guess. " she nodded smiling... And I turned on my heels as I was about to go, but I paused myself and turned to face her.

"and by the way, thanks Ms..... " I trailed off from my sentence purposely, she chuckled. "the name's kang y/n, sir. " she did the two finger salute, as she went pass me. I inhaled her sweet strawberry smell coming from her silky black hair.

As she was out of my sight fully, I sighed in frustration. I want to be with her everytime. I smiled at the thought. "hmm, seems like I've found my new prey here. " I whispered to myself.

I made my way to the elevator, but my phone's beeping made me halt on the way ." speak! " I literally barked at the person on the other side of the phone call. "boss, we've found her son in the backyard of the house. "

I smirked at the remark. " okay, now listen here, you don't have to physically hurt him , but I want y'all to make him scared of me. Understood." I instructed my workers. " yes sir. " he said on the behalf of his team.

"and after all the tourcher, make sure to throw him near the Seoul heart hospital. " "okay, boss. " I didn't let him say anything else, as I hang up the phone call.

"it's time for some revenge, Wifey. "

Kim namjoon's POV
His office room (2:00 pm)

I was working on my laptop, till I heard my phone's ring went off. I looked at the ID. I furrowed my brows in confusion. "why would he call me? " I mumbled to myself still with the unanswered phone call in my  hand.

"yes." I said as I answered the phone call. "joonie ssi, I think I saw him near Taehyung's hospital. " I stood up from my chair in rage.

"are you fucking sure, he was him? " I almost yelled at him. "yes, joonie ssi. I saw him with my eyes. " I sighed in frustration.

"do taehyung know about this?" I asked in all possibilities. "no, joonie ssi, I know, if I'd tell him, he will just fly here just to kill him in a flash. That's why I'm telling you first. " I nodded at his statement, some relief ran in my body after listening to his confession.

"okay, it seems like I have to talk to him in personal. " and with that I hanged up. I ran my finger tips on my hair , as I dialed his number.

"taehyung-ah we need to talk. "


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