chapter 40

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Kim taehyung's pov
Jimin's house ( 9:30 am )

The next morning:

I woke up with a very bad headache, I guess drinking is not for me. This house wasn't mine , it was Jimin's, oh no. That means he knew about it, and fir sure he would tell the hyungs too.

I winced at the thought. And ran my both palms over my face in frustration.

"Good morning, soulmate. " chimed our personal chimchim.

He came with a tray of breakfast with juice and some medicine.

"Argh, jimin, please tell me you didn't tell anyone else." I pleaded. And he putted, the tray on the small tea table, beside the bed. He smirked while placing it.

"Well guess what?" He said with a slight smile and folded his hands behind his back. I panicked at his words, he really has done some stupid. "What ?" I finally asked.

"All the hyungs, and also jungkook are here, waiting for you outside this room. So now, get the fuck out of this bed and go get a shower, your stinking, bro!" He said, as his voice was raising in octaves.

"Okay, cheater." I said and went towards the bathroom, I got a white shirt and a khaki pants from Jimin's closet and a pair of underwear.

I understand why they were overreacting about my drinking. Because I did the same thing when piper was betrayed me and it didn't ended up well, so now hyungs will always keep an eye on me all the time I drink.


I was back from my shower, I was buttoning my shirt's calf, just want to go office, and - "so, how'd you sleep the night , handsome boy?" My eyes widen in horror from the voice.

I raise my eyes from my calves to see all of them sitting on the sofas, all the eyes were on me, and they all had blank face ,while jimin was a smirking bitch, and jungkook was eating a carrot.

I love jimin, I really do, and no one ever doubt that, but sometimes I fight the urge to strangle him.

I cleared my throat as I took the chair, which was in front of them, I didn't dare to look up, for not even a second.

"So, kim taehyung, would you like to explain, why you drank this much yesterday night?" Namjoonie hyung, I mentally shook my head .

"Kim taehyung!" He shouted again.

And know ,its a danger when they take your full name.

"H-hyung." I finally look up to meet his deadly glare. I flinched from the intensity.

"No, namjoon-ah, we just can't scare him. I'm sure it must be a good reason. Right tae?" Suga hyung said, and namjoon hyung sighed heavily.

I gulped , as thier all ears and eyes were on me now. I took a deep breath and I was ready to open mouth to say something.

but I got cutted off by hoseok hyung, "hey, hey, hey.....let him live joona-ah, my child is getting stressed, I swear." He placed his right palm over his heart, when he said it.

Yes, too much dramatically.

I sighed in relief. "Aniya, taehyung have to tell us , what was the reason, for this much alcohol." It was jin hyung's stirn voice, which means, this is going to be a serious conversation.

"Hyung- " hobi hyung tried again, but jin hyung gestured him to stop by his hand. And hobi hyung pursed his lips, in a thin line.

"Okay, you can talk. I'm off for some food." He announced and stood up.

"Hyung, can I come too?" Jungkook asked from the corner, of course its food, and he's jungkook, an undying attraction.

Hobi hyung smiled brightly. "Yes, kookie." He said and they started walking.

"Piper and y/n are sisters. " I blurted out suddenly. And they stopped walking, glanced at each other and sat down with a serious face, and all the eyes were on me again. And my eyes found the floor.

"What?!" It was jimin who shouted. And I just nodded.

"Taehyung tell us." Namjoon hyung commanded me. And I told him and also them, whatever happened in the parking lot yesterday.

They all sighed, some in anger ,some in frustration. "Taehyung? " it was suga, hyung who asked me in a soft voice.

And for the first time till then , I rose my head, and met his, "I'm sure she had a reason behind it." He stated calmly. And I only nodded with a blank face.

"Yeah, and you also said, that she said that, she was scared, and until yesterday morning she didn't knew that Her sister and your piper were same person, right?" Jimin asked, and I nodded again.

"But, you should think from her perspective too, taehyung. It was her sister, who broke your heart in a worst way, and maybe she thought about how you would react if she'd tell you this just now, it must really have scared her." Jin hyung explained. And I was thinking hard.

Then I stood up from my seat, and took the coat from the last night, and was about to go - "yah! Where do you think you are going?" Jin hyung's voice boomed from behind me.

I watched him over my shoulder, not turning around, "to her home." I stated.

He shook his head ,also stood up, and walked to me in just three strides. " of course you have to go to her, but taehyung give her time, and yourself too. You both need it. " he said and hugged me.

They all came to us and after some seconds we all were doing a group hug, the best hug in the world.


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