chapter 1

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"oppa, you can't do this. " taena, Taehyung's sister scolded him from the outside of his room. He has locked up himself since 2 days. "oppa, com'on - " she tried one more time wishing her brother will come out from his room. But she got cutted off instead.

"taena I'm telling you for the millionth time just don't disturb me. "

Her oppa was her only family. But now he was also acting like a jerk. Which ofcourse she didn't like at all. Being a 10 years old girl she was missing her oppa's care and love. Which only she knew how much she was craving for it. But she can't tell to taehyung directly that how she was feeling right now.

"OK, as you wish. I just wanted to tell you that jungkookie oppa is coming today. " she tried once again as she finished her sentence she tightly closed her eyes, thinking taehyung would use some harsh words  for mentioning jungkook's name, but for her surprise he didn't.

Even he opened the door. As she heard the door was creaked open she quickly open her eyes just to see her oppa's handsome face.

"oppa-" she was going to say some love words to him but being as jerk he was, he cutted her once again.

"when he's coming? " he asked her while raising a eyebrow , ignoring that she wanted to say something to him.

She folded her arms and pouted looking elsewhere. Taehyung sighed and crouched down to meet her eye level. "taena. " he called her dearly. She ignored him once again.

He sighed once again cupping her tiny face in his large palms ,forcing her to look at him.

"taena, see your condition is not improving, so oppa was planning to do something for you okay. " he said really softly ,making her understand that how much he cared for her. She nodded with a cute pout.

"and also, don't you want to run around all the house? Huh? " this time he touched her feet which was resting on the wheelchair's foot rest.

There was nothing in his eyes but soon it filled with sadness.

"oppa" taena cooed and this time she took her oppa's hand in her, "let's not be sad sad okay, and debak , " she gasped playfully. Earning a chuckle from taehyung.

"you're looking so stinky oppa. Just go and shower. Shina Unnie is making breakfast. Yeah, and now go." Taena said pushing lightly to taehyung.

" okay princess. " Taehyung said and he slowly left for shower.

Kang y/n pov

"halmonie.? " I was searching for my grandma so that I could tell her that I am going for my work. But she was nowhere to be seen. I was checking each and every room of our tiny apartment.

"halmonie "? Where are you? " I went towards the kitchen, and there she was cooking something.

" halmonie, you know I was searching for you ." I said as I went to her and hugged her from behind. Yes, I often do that. Because why not man!

"oh, I was only cooking in the kitchen, you pabo. I have told you when you can't find me ,  just come to the kitchen. Right? " I rolled my eyes as I separated from her. And this time I was facing her beautiful face. Okay, her face was full of wrinkles but still she was gorgeous.

"okay, okay. " I said pinching her cheeks.

"oh, and halmonie , appa just texted me, that he's coming here so that he can fetch you. " I said while grabbing a apple from my fridge and taking a bite .

" oh, I could tell, how eager you are to send me back.huh? " She said jokingly.

" oh, god halmonie. Have I ever told you that I want to send you back. No, right? " I said looking into her eyes, but in a sad tone. And this time it was her turn to rolled her eyes.

" y/n are you forgetting your profession?" she said squinting her already tiny eyes, making it Almost disappeared. And I just looked at her in confusion.

"y/n you're a physiotherapist, not an actress. So please quit acting all the time. " I scoffed at her statement.

"ha-" and our conversation was interrupted by a phone call, my stupid phone call. I quickly picked it up, without checking the caller ID.

"h-" as I was about to say something, a loud voice cutted me off, "yah! Where the hell are you?  You know everyone is here doing thier job.  But you my princess, you are nowhere to be found. JUST. WHERE . ARE. YOU. " and guess what ? I was listening her ranting with wide open eyes and slightly parted mouth.

Yes she, GRACY one of my stupid and senseless friend. I mean I also doubt, how can be someone this dumb. I mean like-

"yah!  just answer me. You-" I finally decided to hung up on her face . She won't mind it. Not even 1 % .

" okay, my flawless beauty,  now I have to go. Your bags are packed. And tell appa to call me before he fetch you. Okay." I kissed her on her cheek and I left for my work. To the hospital specifically.


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