chapter 37

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Kang y/n's pov
V's land cafeteria (9:30 am)

The name left his mouth and I could feel that my breath wasn't with me anymore.

That woman has ruined so many lives. Its not lie that he hate her, but what if he got to know that she's my sister? Would he judge me for that? What if he thinks of me that ,I'm also like my sister in any way? No, I can't let that happen. I can't tell him, at least not now.

"Are you lost baby girl?" A deep voice whispered in my ears, and I jolted. And looked at him, he was wearing a smirk .

"Taehyung ssi~" I whispered underneath my breath, as his lips attacked my neck."mhmm". He hummed, as I tugged at his nape, to bring him closer. And after a light kiss to my lips, he detached himself from me,  just to leave me as a panting mess.

"I should go now." I spoke, my eyes were on my lap. "Why?" He whined. As his palm rests on my thigh. And I sighed, and pulled myself from his lap. So, I was standing on my feet now.

I forced myself to smile a little as my dull eyes met his sparkle ones.

"I promised shina unnie that I'll be back soon, and I assume that I've spent plenty of time here, so its my cue to leave, I guess." I finished my words with my hands tucking a stray straind behind my ears.

He also stood up with a inhumane growl. And pulled my hands towards him, and I landed on him, with my hands on his chest.

I looked up ,to see him eyeing me with so much passion, like I was a precious gem.

His hands were snaking around my waist, tightly. "Wanna know a secret?"
He whispered again, and I just nodded, and he kisses my head, I sighed at the simple touch of his lips.

"I hate it ,that taena and even shina noona got to spent much time with you, than I spent with you." He said with a pout.

I cupped his face with my little palms, "now, are you jealous?" I wiggled my eyebrow at him, and he laughed at it. Thank God.

"And to solve your problem ,Mr Kim-" I pulled away from him, and took two steps back , "I Ms kang y/n ,would like to invite you to a book Cafe. To read, to eat, and the most importantly, to chill with me. " I dramatically let out the words from my mouth.

And he was watching me with his hands buried in his pant's pockets. A soft smile swimming on the corner of his lips.

"So, would you like to go out to that book Cafe with me?" I brought my right hand forward, and my left hand was behind my back, and head was down.

He putted his hand, in mine, "yes." And finally my head was up. We stare at each other , before we started laughing like clowns.


"I can't believe that you can be this dramatic. " he commented as we left the cafeteria and started walking to the building's entrance.

"Oh, ask hana she has always tolerate my dramas." I said and we both giggled. "She doesn't talk to me much." He suddenly whispered, with a frown.

I squeezed his hand, which was intervine with mine. "Yeah, she doesn't trust men, after what Lee did to me , with us - " I couldn't completed the sentence, because just saying his name was bringing the memories of his promises which he did to hana.

"Y/n." He stopped our pace, and cupped my face. "I'm gonna say this for the first and last time, so listen carefully. You're not allowed to take Lee minho's name in any way. I know it bring bad memories, which obviously upsets you, and I might be a billionaire but I can't afford to see you upset with anything. Understood?" He asked and I nodded, my tears were at the edge of my eyes, ready to flow as a river.

He brought me to a tight hug. My head on his chest, he arms wrapped around my shoulders, and mine was wrapped around his torso. I sobbed lightly, and he patted my head to comfort me.

"Shh, now or else I won't go with you tonight." He tried to threatened me and I playfully hitted his chest, in which he chuckled. And his chest just vibrated.

I pulled myself from him. Then I looked at our current location, we were just few steps apart from the entrance, and Nancy's desk. "Lets go." He dragged me with him. I was smiling at him, as he was leading us.

"Uh, excuse me, sir." Said Nancy's rushed voice. He halted, and I bumped into his solid back. " ow." I said rubbing my forehead with my fingertips.

"Oops, sorry." Nancy smiled sheepishly at us. "Actually, ms bae said to give you this." She pointed at the Tupperware I brought for him.

"Omo, I'm so stupid" I murmured. Looking at the dish before me with wide eyes. "Its okay." Said him, with a soft smile.

"And also this ,for you Ms kang." And she bring my handbag from somewhere down there. "Aigoo~" I facepalmed. And he chuckled, earning a death glare from me.

"Okay, anything else Nancy." he asked to her. And she shook his head as no. And I tugged the bag to my shoulder and the Tupperware was free on my hands.

"You didn't ate anything. " I said pouting. "He did Ms kang. " Nancy said with a smile. "He ordered his usual from the nearby restaurant. " she concluded.

I  gasped and shot a glare at him. " and why didn't you tell me?" I asked as I putted my free hand to my hips. He didn't said anything. And just pecked my lips with a chuckle, and I heard another chuckle, Nancy.

"You look cute when you try to be angry. " he told me and again dragged me towards the main get.

"My driver will drop you off. And be ready at sharp seven o'clock, okay." He said and I simply nodded.

He kissed me for the last time, "I'll miss you." He whispered. And I gave him a sad smile, before we heard a horn sound. "Now go."


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