chapter 49

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Kang y/n's pov
Parasite mall (7: 03 pm)

Yeah, we chose a mall for Hana's 'date'. Taehyung said he was already here, and Kyungmi was on the way here. While jimin ssi was kind enough to drive us here.

"Okay, now kids, no one's going to leave my side alright?" I asked them again to make it more obvious, because it was kinda crowded here. And, ofcourse I was scared for hana and jaeson.

"Arasso eomma." (Okay mom). Said hana. Then I looked at jaeson, and he only nodded curtly. I sighed at them.

We were currently walking where taehyung told us he might be. My hands were occupied with thier hands, on my left was hana ,and on my right was jaeson.

"Y/n, I think taehyung might be there." Jimin ssi said while pointing at a shop , a Gucci shop, I nodded at him, smiling, ofcourse its taehyung who may only think about Gucci when It comes to shopping.

"Um, jimin ssi, if you don't mind ,can you take this two monkeys to get some food?" I asked him as we neared the entrance of the Gucci shop.

He looked at me ,then the at kids ,who just giggled because he made some funny face before taking thier hands in his, just like I had them before.

"No problem, y/n. And by the way you said your friend might be here?"

"Oh, yeah, she texted me, she's parking her car. I'll send her to y'all directly. "

"Okay then" he said and then looked at kids, "so, wanna eat some food kids?" They nodded eagerly.

"Then let's go!" And they were off to go somewhere.

Just as they turned to a corner ,I got a text from mimi asking me where i were, and I told her where kids and jimin ssi were instead .

Then I went to find taehyung in this grand store. I was looking for him everywhere, until I found him talking to someone. I was far from them and his back was facing me, and as I neared them, anger filled me when I her.

I quickly went there, and putted my hand on his shoulder to grab his attention. He thankfully turned and smiled wildly while hugging me.

"I was waiting for too long ,baby." He said once he pulled away from me but held my hands instead.

"And, Mia, meet y/n my girlfriend, and y/n meet Mia, my old friend. " he introduced us, yeah, like we don't know each others.

She smirked. "Nice to meet you again, y/n." She said. I scoffed , "it's never nice to meet you, Mia." I stated.

Taehyung's head snapped towards me. "Y/n?" He questioned. "I'll tell you letter." I said and and I heard a snicker from her.

"Well, oppa, now I have to go, my lovely girlfriend is waiting."she said and hugged him before she left us, alone. I sighed in anger.

Oppa? How dare she to call him oppa?

"Babe?" Taehyung's voice made me come to reality. "You know her?" He didn't even bothered to beat around bushes. He was forward.

"Yeah , from the hospital. " I stated. "Yeah, makes sense." I smacked his shoulder suddenly, "and why did you let her call you oppa?" I inquired.

He frowned. "Wha- are you jealous
y/n?" He said, wiggling his eyebrows.

"No- just forget it, okay" I said as I started walking past him, but him being him, grabbed my wrist and pulled me back, and me being me, landed on his  chest. And his arms snaked my waist.

"Have I ever told you, how cute you look when you get jealous?" Stunned from the sudden closeness I shook my head with wide eyes.

He chuckled, and booped my nose ,"then hear it Ms kang, carefully. You look very cuteeee when you get jealous. " he stopped with a smile on his beautiful lips, and I couldn't help but kiss him .

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