chapter 6

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Kang y/n POV
At Kim's mansion (7:30 pm)

"thanks Ms kang. " Mr park said as we left taena's room, where we were examining her.

"oh, no problem Mr park. " I waved my hand, in front of him, telling him it's nothing. He smiled at my gesture.

It was a silence for a while,as we were taking our steps towards the main door, slowly.

"um.... Mr park? " I asked hesitated a bit, he looked at me, with perplexion written over his  angle like face.

"yeah". He breathed out. "I think it would be good if-" fuck....... I didn't see that there was two people sitting on the large couch.

Thier back was facing us. And I was staring at them, stupidly.

"Ms. Kang? " Mr park tapped on my shoulder . I turned to look at him, "yes? " I couldn't help but to feel some weird in the air.

"if you don't mind -" he was going to say something, but no, someone has to be a intruder in this.

"Ms. Kang? " says a different but somehow a familiar voice. It was coming from the couch's direction.

So, I turned just to met- " oh, hey Mr Carter- " my voice trailed off in the end as my eyes betrayed me ,I saw a man besides Mr Carter, he was talking to someone on the phone, and his face stay hidden from me.

And trust me, I tried my best to take a look, but he stood up and leave straight for taena's room.

I shook my head, as I sighed. "um, hello there Ms kang. " Mr Carter waved his hand in front of my face.

And I snapped back to reality. "oh sorry Mr ca-" my sentence got cutted off by Mr park. 

"hello,to you too Carter. " he said sarcastically while waving at Mr Carter.

Mr carter rolled his eyes, "oh, com'on chim I'll greet you other time. For now I'm getting late, so I've to leave now. " he said as he took his belongings from the coffee table and he turned to look at me, "are you also leaving Ms kang?" he asked me .

"yeah, actually I was going to call a taxi, you know? " I said as I simply shrugged. Then I heard Tsk sound, it was coming from behind me, so I turned, it was Mr park, Who was literally glaring at his phone, typing something on it.

I guess, he sensed, our eyes on him, so he met my eyes eventually, "Ms kang, cater, I've to go, if you don't mind.

It's just- something just came up. So? " he said as his eyes were drifting between mine and Mr Carter.

I didn't knew what to say, so I just nodded. And he left us. Mr Carter cleared his throat, so I drift my attention to him.

" um, Ms kang, If you don't mind, I can drop you home. I mean if you -" I waved my hand, brushing off his words.

"no, no Mr Carter ,you don't have to. And besides your legs aren't suitable for driving, I guess? " I said looking at his crutch.

He rolled his eyes on my comment. "oh, com'on Ms kang it's not like I'm gonna drive. Relax, I've a driver, who'll drive us wherever you want  to. "

okay, impressive. But, well, technically I don't have much time to call a taxi and all. You should give it a shot y/n.

"okay, Mr Carter just because you're insisting." I smiled at him. He smirked. "pleasure is all mine, ms kang. "


The ride was silent, and I don't like silence on car rides. So I desided to talk something, until I realized..... "um Mr Carter, I'm sorry, but I didn't catch your full name ." I ask him, but he was busy on his phone.

I assume he was texting someone. "sorry, Ms kang? " he finally looked at me, but  perplexion was swimming on his face, and I could see his face was crimson red. Hmm, maybe embarrassment.

"uh, I asked for your full name, Mr Carter. " I said emphasizing the word- your. He was staring me for the first few seconds, but then he burst out laughing.

" you - you don't know me? Ms kang? " he asked me, low-key controlling his laughter. And now it was my turn to be confuse.

"um, no. " I said simply, shaking my head in denial.

"okay. " he sighed. " do you know, the 'Olympus ' industries. Which is a Italian company-" my eyes widened as I proceed what he was saying, and I realized something, so I cutted off his sentence.

"oh the, company which made medical equipments. Right? " I stated, well, I was sure about the fact, but still. And my poor soul was waiting for him to confirm it, so, I was watching him, like my life depends on it.

He just nodded, with a grin on his face. And I sighed in relief.

"hey! It means your the hier of the company, right? The older son of Josh Olympus, Mr Carter Olympus.? " I asked him as my curiosity was getting the best of me.

"um, yeah. I'm carter Olympus."
The blush was back on his face, as he confessed . And on the other side, I was on the cloud 9, thinking that the Carter Olympus is sitting with me.

Because in the medical department ,he and his very company was, really famous.

"so, Ms kang. Let's quit being formal with each other. " he said in a really serious tone. Damn! This man is intimidating.

"w-what are you trying to say?" I said as I found myself stuttering a bit.

"what I'm trying to say, is that Ms kang. Like we use this hounorfics with each other names, let's quit it. He? " I don't know why, but at that time I couldn't bring myself to understand anything.

"Huh? " that was all I could have managed to say.but maybe he sensed my dumbness. "let's be friends y/n. "

To be continued...........

So, well I wanted to say some things about me. First if someone is reading this, I'm really sorry dear *bows 90 degree* if I took really long to update. But I got caught up with so many things. Also I got depressed for a week, over some stupid reason. So, that was one of the reasons why I took this long. Uh, well I don't want you all to be feel uneasy cause of me.

So right now I have finished reading all KTH FF, like I believe there's not a single FF for me read recently now. But, still, I'm here requesting you to recommend some complete KTH FFS. And just consider it like 18 year old army's request.

Your chingu 😉


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