chapter 12

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V's office room (4:10 pm) 

After doing some things on my way to here, I was finally in front of my office, ready to go, I got curious when I opened my office door just a little, and I see there was a lady sitting across my desk. I didn't went in, I was watching  everything from outside.

um, honestly, I also don't know about that Swiss knife. " I heard her saying that, and I tensed a bit, A Swiss knife? Who knows if someone has send her-

"oh god, halmonie - you know what? just go and ask to that min yoongi guy. I'm sure he would tell you in details. Okay,  now bye ." and with those words she hang up her phone.

She was sounding frustrating, hmm maybe a hectic day, who cares?

And did she just mentioned suga hyung. Okay, let's go and check it out. I smirked at my thoughts.

I pushed the doors more so I could go in easily, and she tensed because of it. It would be the very first time, when we're meeting each other properly.

Once I settled on my master chair, I looked at her, she was looking down, maybe she was afraid to look at me, she was like a every average girl.

she didn't have any kind of bangs on her forehead, still she was beautiful , maybe her hight was similar to jimin, cute, she was the most famous physiotherapist in town, smart, her skin was maybe sensitive, delicate. And her dressing sense was- well ....lets say she was the girl every men will look forward to,okay I won't go there, not now.

I cleared my throat, to catch her attention. And it worked too, she looked at me, our eyes met and it feels like all the things has stopped doing thier work.

It was only me and her. Her beautiful hazel eyes were complimenting her jet black hair. Wow. She was like a sight for sore eyes, I mean whatever they say.

I realized I was staring at her, so I blinked once and extented my hands for a general handshake. She took it, it was okay, her Hand feels so soft against my rough hand, yeah my hands were becoming rough day by day, because of all my work. I'm not complaining though.

After we pulled our hands back at thier places, I took a pause before speaking.

"miss kang? I assume ". I asked in a calm voice, I wasn't rushing into anything, let's take it slow.

"yes, sir. " she said, her voice was low and soft.

I nodded sighing, "okay, let's get to the work miss kang. " this time ,she nodded. "jimin has told me that you've checked taena, yesterday -right?" She let out a little 'yeah'.

  "so, anything special, you want me tell me". I said as I putted my palms on the table.

"actually -" she took her pause to search a file in her back pack. Hmm, interesting. no handbag but a back pack. Okay.

"sir this file has all the information that you need to know about your sister." she pushed the file in front of me, and I raise a eyebrow at that, nodding my head I took that file.

"according to this reports and her previous records, she doesn't have any problems with her thigh sir. "

"what are you saying miss kang? "  I was in mix emotion, confusion and anger too Because the therapist who was appointed for taena, said that her lower body was unable to move. So, that information was so much to take me .

" are you sure about it? " I asked her in desperation, hoping that  Her saying couldn't be true.

"uh, yes sir. Actually when I read her previous reports, I thought it would be true , but when I checked her with myself, I was sure as hell ,that, her ex therapist may don't love his or her profession or maybe he loves your money. Because he / she totally lied to you Mr Kim .maybe for the money you were offering to him or her." She was so serious, like damn serious so, I can't say that she was lying on my face.

I sighed as I putted her given file to aside,  I was planning to read it latter.

"okay ,so what do you think about her condition Ms kang? " I asked her, watching her every move .

she wasn't like any other girl, she wasn't flinching from my tone, neither by my voice, nor she wasn't nervous too.

"she can be cured in just 2 to 3 months. Because as I've said before, it's not her thighs, which means there's only problem with her knees moving, so I can assure you that I can cure her really quick sir. " she finished her saying with tight lipped smile.

I took a deep breath before speaking, "okay, miss as your speaking so confidently, I can't doubt on your words and as I know you're the best physiotherapist of entire Seoul, I can't doubt your work too. So, can you meet me in my house.....tomorrow morning 11:00 pm sharp. " I said as I leaned a little forward to make my look more appealing .

She looked away for a minute,biting her lower her lip, both index finger were playing drums on my desk ,she was thinking something.

"okay, I'll be there." she said as she stood up, for leaving.

I raised a eyebrow, at her daring move, she looked at me, "I should leave now." she said as she hung her backpack on her shoulders and she turned on her heels towards the doors. And she left.

So easily. I couldn't help but to stare the closed doors once she closed them. Maybe hoping if she could come back, through them, for once.

This girl is special.

I snapped back to reality when I heard my phone was buzzing, jungkook. It reads.

I picked it up, as I putted taena's file in front of me, ready to read as his laughter came trough the device.

"h-hyung.......s-suga hyung.... " he only managed to say that only because of his laughter.

"what happened to him?" I asked slightly annoyed by his laugh.

"halmonie min, is........ Beating him by her infamous silver stick. " he said laughing too much to my liking.

"then why the hell you're laughing, go and help him. " I said boredly.

"ah, he deserves it bro. Because first he didn't tell her about his girlfriend and second you know.......... " he said that and he started laughing again.

"what? " I said rubbing my finger tips on my forehead. " he was on a date with a girl named y/n, and he was....... He was discussing his favorite sex positions with her. " I know he was in tears because of his laughing.

"hyung, Hobi hyung is making a video for his social media platforms, I will send them to you too. Bye". He hunged up before I could say anything.

This boy........

To be continued..........

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