chapter 38

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Kang y/n's pov
Eat jin restaurant ( 8:30 pm)

We exited the 5 star restaurant, hands in hands. It was so huge to take it once.

The interior was literally shining because of its golden and white chandelier. The tables were neat and clean, that you can't found any flaw in that.

But jin oppa wasn't here, he was in Thailand, for some meeting about the restaurant there.

And the food .....was the real jackpot .it was really good though.

I felt his hand brushed mine, and my eyes quickly snapped towards him.

"What are you thinking?" He asked as he laced our fingers together, proceeded to go to the parking lot, where he parked his audi.

"Um, nothing much." I said ,quietly. He just nodded as response. "I just wish of jin oppa would be there too." I sighed.

He unlocked the car with the beep sound, and opened the car door of the passenger seat, and as I was about to sit , I realized something.

"Um, taehyung, where's the books we bought?" I asked him, and he also remembered it, after a quick scan of the car seats. "Did we brought to the res-"

"Omo, I'll go and check, and you check here once again. okay?" I didn't gave him a chance to say anything, as I practically ran towards the restaurant, thanks to my favorite sneakers.

Kim taehyung's pov
At the parking lot ( 8:37 pm)

Y/n is clumsy, maybe more clumsy than namjoonie hyung. I shook my head in disbelief as she practically ran towards jin hyung's restaurant.

It was Jisoo's idea to brought y/n here for a special dinner. And also she forced jin hyung to not get the payment for the food from us. Well she's my favorite for nothing.

And as jin hyung always says 'Tae, we might be rich, but that doesn't mean we can't enjoy free things.' So I also didn't protested though.

I searched for the familiar brown bag , in the back of my car seat. Then I heard someone's heels were clicking the concrete floor annoyingly.

And it stopped just in front of me, it was red heels. And i did the biggest mistake of my life as looked at the owner of this fucking heels, and my face went blank on its own.

"We collided again, didn't we?" She said ,in her high pitched voice.

And I was only staring at her, she was wearing a sleeveless blood red dress ,which undoubtedly hugged her curves perfectly, and her hair was straight into a mid parting.

"What are you doing here?" I finally spat my words at her. "I'm here for a meeting with the most desirable man of the south Korea , kim jongin. We're gonna do a modeling project together."
She informed me.

"Good." I said and I went to pretend as I was searching something in the car. She chuckled, "I heard you're dating someone?" She asked .

"Yes,-" I looked up at her, "and wanna know, she's the most amazing woman I've ever met in my life, she's the most beautiful woman I've ever landed my eyes, she's the most caring person my family has ever had, and she the first woman I'd like to spend my life without any regrets. " I said in my deep voice .

She was surprised for a second than she smirked ," but now Kim taehyung, do you, wanna know something? That woman Is my sister."

And that was my turn to be surprised, y/n lied to me, she never told me about that she and piper were sister, and she was knowing it that how much I've hated her. But then again-

"And why should I trust you?" And she laughed at my question. "So, I assume she hasn't told you, about us. Interesting. " she hummed .

I about to make a remark ,when I heard a loud thud, beside us. There she was standing with a pure horror expression on her face ,and the bag of books was ,what made a thud sound.

"J-jennie?" She whispered, but it was loud enough for us to listen it. "See, now I don't have to give you any proof that we are sisters, no?" She said and and she walked away ,leaving her in me in a safe distance between us.

"T-taeh-" she came and tried to touch me, but I took two steps backwards, "n-no! " I yelled in anger. She flinched by my raspy voice.

"Why y/n ,why didn't you tell me, about her. Why?" I yelled again, I was sure my face was becoming red because of the anger I was holding right now.

"I didn't knew that jennie and piper were the same person." She defended herself. I laughed at her words humorlessly. "You didn't knew? I told you just this morning you should've-"

"I was scared taehyung, I was scared, that you might not treat me as before if I will tell you that your gold digger ex was my sister!" She shouted.

"But still y/n, you should've talked to me about this shit, we might have thought a solution about it, but no. You decided that you should hide it, till when? Until forever right?"

She shook her head immediately. "N-no.
I -" she stopped in her mid sentence, and she looked at the ground instead. I shook my head at the scene before me.

"You know what, I can't take this shit anymore." And I sat in my car and drove towards the bar, I need alcohol to proceed all this.

Kang y/n's pov
At the parking lot ( 8:52 pm)

What the hell i just did? Why the hell I didn't told him everything earlier. I should have. My tears were enough flowing mindlessly. I didn't bother to wipe them.

I took a deep breath and called for a cab, which arrived soon thankfully.

And soon I was in my home. I took a long warm shower to loose the tension of my body and my mind. I can't believe, how stupid I acted . I changed into my pajamas.

thank God hana was with Kyungmi, who just came neck from her south Africa trip yesterday.

I was about to call appa for some advice, because he's the best person I could ask for advice for anything

I grabbed my phone, and there was a knock on my door. I checked the time in my phone, it was 9:17 pm right now.

"Who might be it?" I asked myself as I went and opened the door. Why was he here?

"What are you doing at my house, Lee minho?"


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