chapter 48

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Kang y/n's pov
V's mansion ( 8:48 am)

We were just standing there , staring at her, while her doe eyes were jumping from i to tae.

I opened my mouth to say something. But before I could have said anything another figure walked in the room.

"Han-" he cutted himself and shielded hana's eyes by putting his little palms in front of her eyes.

"Yah, jaeson! What are you doing?" Hana shouted, while trying to remove her shield. But jaeson didn't even budged.

"Hana, you can't watch Mr Kim like this." He declared.

"Excuse me-" Taehyung was offended. He was about to say something to the over possessive boy in front of us, but I stopped him.

"Taehyung, it's okay. Go and put some Clothes. " I scolded him. He rolled his eyes but gave in eventually.

"And you young boy," I looked at the boy, "you can remove your hands from my daughter. " I said and he removed it immediately.

Hana glared at him really badly, if looks could kill anyone.

"So, why you're here?" I asked, particularly to both of them. And hana shifted her attention to me.

"Eomma, I want new clothes. " she announced. And I sighed. "But why hana?" I asked her ,wanting to know why she wants to have new clothes.

She paused for a minute and looked at jaeson, apparently communicating with each other.

She pouted. And turned towards me."Eomma, can I go on a date?" She asked in a low voice.



And it was taehyung who disagreed.

He just came from the closet in a crisp white shirt with black trousers. And his black leather office shoes were shining in the light of his room.

Hana looked at him with a face which was telling that she didn't liked his answer .

"Waeeee?" She whined . Taehyung sighed And crouched down to meet her eye level, he held her shoulder, "do you even know what's a date?" He asked calmly.

Hana's face lit up from the question. She nodded her head in a yes. "Jimin ssi told me about it." She smiled after she finished her answer.

"And what did he told you?" He asked again.

"Ummm.....that we can go and eat a lot of ice creams!" She exclaimed and tae chuckled at her cuteness.

Yeah, relations between her tae has become.....something in between like a father-daughter and friendship.

Nonetheless to say they have become closer to the past months .and I can't be more happy to see that.

"Hmm..but we can go and eat ice cream without calling it a date." Tae suggested her with a look of hope in his eyes.

"But....I want to call it a date." Hana stated. She pulled her lower lip out ,and she had got that puppiest eyes you could have ever seen.

"Okay, fine. When do you want to go for ice cream?" Taehyung asked her. She immediately went to think about it.

"Can we go tonight?" She asked him . And he smiled at her gently. "Then its settled we'll go tonight. " he promised her.

"Yayyyy!" She ran away from the room with jaeson tailing behind her.

We both chuckled at thier behavior. He was still watching the door of his room, from where kids ran out.

So I cleared my throat to get his attention back."so ,Mr Kim. You said you were going to your office?" I said as once he looked at me.

"Oh, really?" He took two steps towards me and pulled me on his chest. His arms circled my waist. And he smirked as I snaked mine arms on his neck, was playing with his hair.

"I think I can change that." He stated. I playfully smacked his chest, "yah! just Go, ok?" I said while trying to redeem myself from his tight hold.

But once I lose to do it, he smirked at me, "Taehyung-ah, let me go ,please?" I pouted as I dragged the last vowel.

"Okay, but first give me a goodbye kiss." He demanded. I scoffed at him, "what if-" and he again cutted my words off with his sweet kiss.

"Now, I'm ready to go." He whispered while he winked and removed his arms around me.

I sighed. And took his hand in mine. "Hmm. But uh, you should think about visiting your mom Taehyung. " I tried to convince him atleast.

"I can't promise you about that y/n, but yeah, I may think about it. " he stated while giving a peck on my forehead.

Didn't wanted to push it for a while ,I let it go.


(5:13 pm)

The mansion was empty now. All the men were on thier work while the ladies were at thier house. And I was stuck with the kids.

Hana was incredibly excited for the 'date' thing. I asked taena for it too, but she said she wanted to stay and sleep.

I was guiding taena with exercise when  I got a text from him.

Tae baby:
Hey, y/n!


Tae baby:
I think I might visit my mother.

And this one particular message from him, was a source of happiness for me.

And I didn't waste any time to call him on his phone. And he also picked it with after two rings.

"You aren't joking, are you?! I asked him as once he picked up his phone. And I wanted nothing but to be calm that time, but I guess the news wasn't for me to be calm.

He chuckled a bit at my words, "no baby. But yeah, jimin and yoongi hyung did a very good job at giving me a peace of mind. " he explained.

Oh, now I understand ." That's cool, though. And  also now we're talking, I asked taena for our outing , but she said she wanted to sleep in tonight, and wasn't in the mood for a night out." I told him.

He signed. " it's fine y/n, and anyways thanks that you atleast asked her too." He said,  and I could feel him smiling.

"Yah! You don't have to thank me, and how could I left her out, she's also like a sister to me. " I said.

"And which time should we go?" He asked .

"Should we, how's 7 pm?"

"Yeah, cool. and yes, I accidentally confronted jimin, about this whole 'date' thing. And also he wants to tag along too." He said.

"Oh, the more the merrier babe, its okay. And can I invite Mimi too.
maybe we can arrange them in a blind date ,what say?" I suggested.

"Yeah, its cool. And gotta go babe, I'll meet you there at 7 okay?"

"Yeah, bye. love you."

"Love you more."


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