chapter 4

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Y/n's POV -

Seoul heart hospital (4:00 pm)

I was attending my patient. it was a guy, his right leg wasn't doing good, so he came to me for therapy. He was on bed and I was examining his leg.

"Dr. Can I ask you a question? " he asked me as I was still busy with her leg, I was trying to find the right spot, so I could twist his leg. "yeah".I responded.

"Which parlor you go for your manicure and pedicure?"


I whipped my head In his direction. "what? " I asked him , if I've heard him right or-" yeah actually, your hands are feeling really soft on my leg. "

oh yeah, did I mention he was pantless and only a bed sheet was covering his boxers. So he was bare, down to his thighs.

I just gave him a awkward smile.

And then finally I got that spot where I have to press and twist his leg. So, I didn't waste any time and I just held his leg with my both hands and I twist his leg. He screamed in pain for the time, but soon he relaxed and he was breathing rapidly.

"okay, okay relax for now. It may take time. But, soon it would be fine. Alright. " he nodded and I just gave him a smile. I checked my watch and it read it was 4:35 pm.

"OK, now Mr. Carter, I have to leave. My assistant would lead from here. "He nodded and smiled at me. I bid my goodbye to him then I left.

As I was heading towards my cabin I felt my phone buzzing. It was a message.

F. Moron :
Just a reminder y/n. I hope you
Haven't forgotten about your
Appointment at Mr Kim's. Right.
Your ride would be here in 15
Minutes. Just don't make any
Mistakes OK? He hate mistakes.
Xoxo ❤❤

I scoffed at the message. "he hate mistakes. " I mimicked the message. Hah, he should be a bossy type. And I. Hate. Bossy. Type.

I rolled my eyes as I pushed my cabins door and entered. '15 minutes, Huh. ' I thought to myself, it's enough for me.

All I have to do is, to put some special equipments in my medical kit and we are all set. I glanced at my cabin's wall clock, it read 4:50 .perfect.

"I should go to the entrance of the hospital. " I murmured to myself and dashed towards the entrance.

In some minutes I was at entrance of the hospital. And soon I heard a car's honk. I looked towards the sound and found a very expensive car standing in front of me.

I looked at it confused. And then a man came down from the car,and he walked towards me.

"hey".he chimed in his hoarse like voice. "h-hey. " I said awkwardly ."so you're Ms kang y/n?" I just nodded gulping.

"oh, I'm here to fetch you to Mr Kim's?I guess." I squinted my eyes at his words as I eyed him from head to toe.

Wait, didn't they say, it would be a driver?

"sir, are you sure you're Mr Kim's driver.? " I asked him out of my curiosity. He can't be a driver for sure, he's way too handsome to be a driver.

He scoffed before shaking his head.

"I think he didn't told you. Tsk, Tsk. " he was muttering to himself and I was watching him like he was some crazy guy or something.

He finally looked at me, our eyes met. He gave me a smile. Damn! The smile.
And the dimples of the corners of the smile that he wears.

" actually, " he extended his hand towards me " I'm Jung hoseok. You can call me Hobi if you want. " he continues and I shook his hand as I was watching him in awe.

"I know I'm handsome ,but you can leave my hand if you want to. " I got confused for a second but then the thing hit me, I was still shaking his hand. I immediately left his hand.

"I'm sorry. " I said glancing at my feet. "oh, no, no it's okay. " he said and I looked up . "um, we should leave then." he said, as he read his watch. I nodded my head.

We walked towards the car. As I was about to open the car's door, he held my hand. "uh, uh Ms y/n. Let me do this for you. " he said and he opened it for me. And I got in.

He walked back to his side and then he started driving. It was a silent ride. Really silent ride. I hate it man.

"sir-" I said looking at him, and I was about to say more but he cutted me off.
"sir?huh." he said as he glanced at me for a second then back at the road. And I averted my eyes on my lap .

"okay, ask, what you wanted to ask me?" he said, I again looked at him blinking twice.

"uh, it's just my curiosity sir-" he didn't say anything, but I got cutted off when he stopped the car immediately. I had closed my eyes really tightly. "open your eyes ". I heard him saying softly. I opened my eyes slowly.


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