chapter 53

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Kim taehyung's pov
V's mansion (5:30 pm)

Tonight will be the end of my mental dilemma. Tonight will be the end of the tension which has built in this past week between I and y/n.

I was still in my office, knowing I have to attend the baby shower/ gala at jungkook's. But before that I had my unfinished job to be done here.

My phone started to vibrate. And I picked it up, it the person I wanted to talk right now.

"Hello?" I said, making my voice even deeper.

"Sir, we have got his arrival. But he's refusing to come with us." He complained.

I rubbed my forehead with my fingertips. "I'll handle it. Give him the phone. " I ordered. And after some suffeling-

"Who's this?" He asked.

"You know ,who it is , don't you?" I asked him, smirking.

"Oh, it's you." He whispered.

"Yeah, you are supposed to be in my penthouse, why you're not cooperating?" It came harsh, than I wanted it to be.

"Oh, okay. I'll go there daughter is in Seoul too. And since I'm here, I'd like to meet her, and after meeting her I'll be all yours, Tata."

Tata. He got me there. I took a deep breath.

"Fine, and if it's possible bring her with you, to the gala." I said.

"She's going there tonight, with my husband. I've told him everything."

"Yeah, it's fine with me." I sighed.

"Okay, then."

"See you soon, master woo. "

And I hung up, with a headache .


Kang y/n's pov
Her home (5:46 pm)

"I can't believe you're so slow dada." I practically yelled at him.

But not my fault he was being slow for tieing hana's shoe lace. While I was making sure her hairpins were in place.

There was a car waiting for her, to go for the event.yeah her dad sent the car, saying if hana would be ready and was in the venue, the other kids would be happy. And it will give me the whole time in the world to get ready.

Well, She was looking ravishing in her red wine gown. Her hair was in a ponytail but I curled it after.

"It's done, it's done." Dada announced.

"Oh, finally. "I muttered. I was done with her hair, but I scanned it at last too.

"Eomma, no tension. " Hana said while hugging  my belly .

"Okay, okay. And hana ,no running around okay. Be with jaeson, taena and Jena okay. And say a big fat thank you to your daddy for sending this car ,okay?" I repeated this things to her for God knows how many time.

"Arasso eomma. " she said and ran to the doors. We heard a faint sound of a car driving and then a pregnant silence fell through me and Dada.

"Y/n ,you have to calm down, okay." He said, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"I don't know how to pretend in front of her, she's so attached to him now, I got jealous of him so much. " I pouted.

Dada chuckled. "Now you know ,how your appa feels when you talk about me,  more than him." He said ,while disappearing in the kitchen.

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