chapter 57

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Kang y/n's pov
At the penthouse (9:23 pm)

I still had that gown in my hand, I was confused, I mean ofcourse I have to change but where?

I started to search if I could find any other room, or something, to change this outfit , and suddenly I got a message from Jisoo unnie.

'I know you'll be finding a spare room, y/n, go to near the starecase and bingo , you'll get the room.

Bye, have fun.'

I chuckled at the text, yeah, they sure planned it.

I quickly went to find this said room, and thankfully I got it.

I went in and I changed in the night gown. When I had changed my clothes, I noticed a small yellow note again, it was on the door.

'Climb the stairs!' It reads.

And again I did what the note said.

I climbed the stairs, my hands delicately touching the marvel railings.

At the end of the stairs, there was another note, the same yellow one.

'Three doors to your right.'

I counted the doors.




And then finally the fourth one.

The door was closed, and when I opened the door, it was magical.

A dim purple light was shining in the room, making it beautiful, there were candles lit up, and there was a heart ,on the ground, made by red rose's patles, with some gape in between, it was mesmerizing.

"Do you like it?"

Damn! That deep, voice, which whispered in my ears, from behind me.

My fiance's voice.

I instantly turned to look at him, he has changed from his previous outfit.

He now was clad into, crisp white shirt which was fully unbuttoned and was showing his beautiful toned upper body. And his legs wore the black office pants, it was the same black as my gown.

I was shocked for a second, but then, "you did this?" I whispered.

"Hm, let's say not just me, but jisoo and hobi hyung annnd Carter helped me."
He informed with a slight smile.

"So, what do you think?" He asked raising a brow .

"Ofcourse I did." I admitted.

"Okay, now come here." He said and led me to the heart which was made of roses.

We stood on the empty space between it, and the lighting changed into a spotlight, which was upon me.

"Taehyung-" I started to say, but he stopped me, by placing his slender index finger on my lips.

Well, it was hot.

"It's my turn to say ,y/n." And after saying that, he went on one knee, holding my hand in his.

"So, Ms. Kang y/n, I never had a chance to tell you that , when I saw you for the first time, I think I fell for you that exact time. The first date we had ,I realized that I don't have to pretend someone I wasn't, and that alone was enough to tell that you were it for me y/n." He paused and then pull out a navy blue velvet box, he opened it and it revealed a beautiful ring.

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