chapter 10

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V's land meeting room (4:05 pm)

"I just can't understand why you're choosing me to do this shit! " trust me I didn't wanted to yell , but I lost my temper.

This bald man, who was sitting in across me ,was frustrating me. Too much. He smirked at me.

"the whole police department know about your inner war with him. And trust me taehyung after what happened with your parents , it became my motive to arrest him. " hearing about my parents, all the bad memories came through my head.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to calm myself.

" but it still don't make any sense to do something, whatever you're willing me to do." I said frustrated with him. He nodded his head, and gave me some documents. 

" what are these? " I asked as I was flipping the pages of the file.

And  when I went trough the 3rd page, it was all crystal clear, about what these documents were. I can feel my eyes went darker and my face was blank.

"these are drugs related. " I stated bluntly. He nodded his head.

Well, it was the information about, how many drugs dealers are here in South Korea, and how many of them are using illegal way to deliver them, and how many people are actually taking them.

And by drugs, I mean all sorts of drugs, cocaine, weeds etc etc, which you can count as narcotics too.

"this is getting heavy. " I said as I loosened my tie a bit.

" see taehyung, let me clear this for one more time, it's worst than it looks. And also, we have tried everything in our power to take action on him. But.... As you know it's not easy as we thought it would be. So that's why I'm here, the 6 months from now, are my last 6 months of my service. And this is my last case to solve and send the culprit to behind the bars. He's playing dirty this time taehyung. He's trapping the youth of South Korea tae. T-this is......"

I gave him a glass of water, by the time he trailed off from his speech, he was breathing heavily.

He took a deep breath and wiped his sweat which were trickled down from his forehead ,with his handkerchief.

Well, he's 65 .he has his full family, a daughter, two sons, daughters like daughter in laws and a beautiful and caring wife. The family of my dreams, yeah I want this type of family, whom I can rely on.

"are you OK? " I asked concern about his health. "oh, just - I think my blood pressure was high again. "he said dryly, as he putted his handkerchief back to its place. I nodded.

"tae, as I've said before, we know that you're also searching for him. Sure it was for your personal reasons before, but... " his hands reaches for my hands which was resting on the desk.

"but, now it has became a problem for the entire south korea. You just have to catch him alive and give him to us we'll charge him for his crimes and trust me-" he squeezed my hand.

"he'll be behind those bars for his doings. And I'm giving you all the powers to do anything you want son, just catch him before he do something big. The whole police department will be with you if you need any help. Just trust me. " this time his voice was Inaudible, but enough to heard to me.

It was like, he was begging me to do this, and after the death of my parents, it was him and his family who took care of me. So who I was to say no to him.

"okay, I'll do this. " it just took him 5 seconds to smile widely at me, I couldn't help but to smile back at him.

"thank you. thank you taehyung for your help. Really. " he finally left my hand and stood up. "but-" he looked at me his smile faltering from his face.

"what now, tae? " he asked, nearly yelled in all the possibilities. I went to him slowly and putted my hands in my pant's pocket.

"but you have to make those red velvet cakes for taena".

I raised my eyebrows and was trying to stop my smile, when I see the relief washed over him. "hell I'll do it taehyung. Not just one, but alot of red velvet cakes.

" he said as he embraced me . "okay gotta go tae". "okay chief, so see you after 6 months, with him. " I said and he chuckled and after beading our good byes he left.

I took my office phone and dialed my secretary's number. After two rings she picked up. "yes sir. " she said in her office tone.

"Ms. Bae, who's next for my meeting?" I said tiredly. "yeah, let me see sir. "and there was a pause for, like one minute before continues "sir, there's three more meetings, first one is Ms kang y/n, and-" I cutted her in her mid sentence.

"Ms. Bae Cancel  the other two meetings, and I'll be there in less than 10 minutes. Keep her in my office. " after a stern and clear ' okay sir. ' she hang up.

"miss kang it is. " I mumbled to myself before walking towards my office.


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