chapter 50

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Kang y/n's pov
Parasite mall's parking lot (9:15 pm)

We were standing near our cars, because of some faith ,we had our cars parked near each other's.

"Okay guys, I have to leave now, my boss just called me, out of emergency. " mimi said, as she hung up her phone some seconds ago

"Bye bye, aunty Kyungmi." Hana said more enthusiastically which made us laugh.

"Okay princess, bye bye." Mimi said and waved at her before driving away.

"Jimin, take kids with you." Taehyung probably ordered him.

"Okay, boss." Jimin ssi saluted him playfully, and pulled the kids away, to drive them to taehyung's house.

"Okay, now baby. We also have to go somewhere, no?" He said and tucked a piece of stray hair behind my ears.

But before anything, I pulled him in a tight hug. I was feeling overwhelmed with the whole new father and daughter thing, which happened between him and hana.

"Oh, what did I do to earn a hug ,huh?"

"Just shut up, and let me hug you." I warned him. But he let me hug him, with a chuckle.

After some minutes I let him go and wiped my face, before smiling at him, his face now held a solid expression of confusion.

"Okay, let's go now. " I said and opened the car's door of passenger side and sat down on the seat.

He was standing there with the same perplexed expression.

"What happened? Don't you wanna go now?" I asked him.

He sighed and nodded before coming back to the car and sat on the driver's seat. He putted the Gucci bag in the back seat.

"Babe ,are you on your periods right now?"he asked ,as he rested his hands on the steering wheel, and his face now held a concerned look.

I shook my head. No, I was sure I wasn't on my periods, hell my periods were late this month, I haven't even got them this month.

He sighed again. "You're having mood swings, baby." He sated and then my mind started working, I threw up today, and then now I'm having mood swings, what if.......

"Babe?" Taehyung placed his hand on mine, with the same concern look.

" god, Kim taehyung ! I'm fine, really. Let's just go home and rest okay." I tried my best to convince him.

I can't tell him now, I have to be sure first, and now when I know that he's willing to meet his mom, and there's gonna be an event at his house, I can't load this shit on his shoulder right now.

I have to be sure before getting on any conclusions.

"Okay." He mumbled before driving.

Next day
Y/n's house ( 8:03 am)

"Baby, you got everything?" He asked referring to some things he wanted me to have for this 2 hours journey.

"Yes." I answered him.

"Okay then, let's go." He stated as we both stepped out from my house, and I locked the doors.

He opened the car door for me, as he let me enter, and then closing it, he ran to the opposite side.

Slamming the driver's side,  he settled him self in, he sighed nervously, And I took his hand in mine Squeezing it slightly.

"Everything's gonna be okay." I tried to assured him. with a sweet smile, he stared me and then he leaned to kiss me. A quick but assuring kiss.

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